em lyon paris bba

It is therefore imperative to be present at emlyon business school on the above mentioned dates. EM Lyon - Global BBA - campus Paris: 3046: 130: 5: EDHEC Lille - International BBA - Parcours Business Management French Track: 2804: 400: 6: Skema Business School - BBA in global management - Campus Sophia Antipolis: 2676: 350: 7: EM Lyon - Global BBA - campus Saint-Etienne: 2646: 272: 8: SHANGHAI . The following courses will be offered at our Paris campus from September 2016. They also have access to a large network of luxury companies, experts and alumni in order to prepare a successful career start. ProfileExecutive manager or entrepreneur. Equivalent to a master’s degree, level 1 “Operational Unit Manager”, LenghtFrom 12 to 24 months, 3 training days every 4 to 6 weeks, 2 intakes per year : in February and SeptemberPresential and blended format, More InformationProgramme Général de Management. Découvrez le BBA, Bachelor in Business Administration de l’école de commerce emlyon business school et développez vos compétences en management, entrepreneuriat, innovation et … A2 A3 A4 A1 In Y1 and Y2, courses are taught in: Saint-Etienne or Paris Casablanca Shanghai 69134 Ecully cedex FRANCE Tél. emlyon business school, a … W propose aux étudiants, ayant validé leur bachelor, la possibilité d’intégrer l’EDHEC ou l’EM Lyon afin d’effectuer un BBA en 4 année et obtenir un double diplômes Maintenant, je ne regrette pas du tout mes années passées à Lyon. The Global BBA is designed to provide each student with a broad knowledge of functional areas (management, finance, sales, marketing, strategy, human resources, law, IT and digital systems, languages and cultures, etc.) In 1977, the EPSCI degree became the first ever undergraduate degree outside of the US to be awarded AACSB accreditation. emlyon business school, 15 boulevard Diderot, 75012 Paris We use cookies to optimize the design and performance of our websites. Notre Global BBA incarne l’excellence d’une des meilleures Grandes Ecoles reconnues en France et en Europe. Global BBA (Paris | Saint-Étienne) - Discover our 4-year undergraduate program with a strong international dimension and career approach ... emlyon business school’s careers services are recognized by companies and students alike for their efficient support and guidance. L’approche pédagogique du programme a été adaptée afin de vous permettre, sportifs de haut niveau, d’acquérir les connaissances et compétences nécessaires tout en poursuivant vos entraînements et … Global BBA (Paris | Saint-Étienne) - Discover our 4-year undergraduate program with a strong international dimension and career approach ... emlyon business school’s careers services are recognized by companies and students alike for their efficient support and guidance. You are currently logged into the website of emlyon business school's Program Spaces, Association loi 1901 affiliated to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry de Lyon. emlyon business school est une école de commerce et de management située : Building A1, 155 Tanjiatang RD, Minhang District, Shanghai, China Madrid. saint-etienne . L’approche pédagogique du programme a été adaptée afin de vous permettre, sportifs de haut niveau, d’acquérir les connaissances et compétences nécessaires tout en poursuivant vos entraînements et compétitions. This brand new site offers an academic environment that is open to Europe, Asia, Africa and the United States; it is completely equipped with the latest digital technology and has close connections with the … en Transformation digitale, Entrepreneuriat, Ingénierie Financière ® 12 certificats 100% ONLINE Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Sorbonne Nouvelle University and ESCP join forces in an unprecedented partnership, "Sorbonne Alliance" This partnership aims to become one of the most important training and research entities in the human, social and managerial sciences at the European level. L'emlyon, école de commerce post bac, vous offre un large choix de formations diplômantes. So it’s vital to have special arrangements for my studies at the Paris campus. Programme Grande Ecole. It is therefore imperative to be present at emlyon business school on the above mentioned dates. A 16-month full-time programme specialised in luxury and marketing in association with London College of Fashion and in partnership with Parsons School of Design at The New School. Retrouve ses points forts, ses accréditations saint-etienne . Destiné à recevoir également des étudiants d’Europe du Nord et non francophones, il travaille en étroite collaboration avec les campus de Lyon, Shanghai, Saint-Etienne et Casablanca, et se positionne en véritable projet éducatif Asie / Europe / Afrique au service des étudiants et des entreprises de ces trois continents. paris global bba bachelor of business administration programme post-bac en 4 ans I came second. Elle est la quatrième plus ancienne école supérieure de commerce de Franceb. We have 4 campuses: Paris, St-Etienne (South of France), Casablanca, Shanghai and soon a … Elle propose des formations Bachelor et … INSEEC BBA est une école du Pôle Management d’INSEEC U. INSEEC U. est une institution privée d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche interdisciplinaire, implantée à Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux et Chambéry. ProfileExecutive and operational manager/director : Information system manager, Digital marketing manager, Supply chain director, Consultant…, Lenght & formatBlended format14 months and 34 days of presential on our new campus in Paris, More information about the programmeDigital Transformation of Organizations, emlyon business school Paris Campus15, Boulevard Diderot75012 PARIS. The School welcomes 7,260 students of more than 90 nationalities and 6,200 participants in continuing education programs. Apply for EMLYON Business School 2019 – www.em-lyon.com. INSEEC BBA est une école du Pôle Management d’INSEEC U. INSEEC U. est une institution privée d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche interdisciplinaire, implantée à Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux et Chambéry. Découvrez le nouveau Bachelor in Business Administration de l'école de commerce et management emlyon. L'EM est une école renommée et dynamique où vous vous ferez sans doute un grand nombre d'amis. emlyon business school is bringing its entrepreneurial culture to Paris. The aim of this site is to support the development of national and European entrepreneurship that is ‘Made in Lyon’. 3 TRACKS TO CHOOSE FROM Le programme post bac de l’EM Lyon se fait sur 4 ans sur les campus de Saint-Etienne, Paris, Shanghai et Casablanca. Les formations suivantes seront offertes sur notre campus parisien à partir de septembre 2016. un espace de travail collaboratif, connecté, avec possibilité de restauration ; des salles de cours équipées des dernières technologies numériques pour apprendre, échanger et créer (tableaux numériques, systèmes de visioconférence, écrans tactiles…) ; des espaces pour les associations d’étudiants et de diplômés ; un espace de réception pouvant accueillir des manifestations internes ou de partenaires ; un Learning Hub (bibliothèque numérique) ; un business center pour accueillir des entreprises et institutions partenaires . Emlyon Business School is a leading French business school founded in Lyon, France in 1872 by the local business community, and is affiliated to the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Discover what our BBA degree is about in … It is ranked as one of the top business schools in France. A 12-month programme, taught fully in English and accredited by the “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles”, developed to train graduates with a strong background in mathematics, computer science, physics and similar areas of expertise, launch their career in quantitative finance. emlyon business school est une école de commerce et de management située au 15 boulevard Diderot, 75012 Paris. Specific welcome arrangements are offered to exchange students. A grandes écoles with distinct French flavour, emlyon offers an undergraduate BBA, MBA, EMBA, specialized MSc graduate programs and a PhD program. A 16-month programme specialised in the sports industry, in partnership with Outdoor Sports Valley (brands Columbia, Oakley, The North Face, Wilson…), taught fully in English. Contact. EML Executive Development is the Continuing Education division of EMLYON Business School for the evaluation, training and coaching of managers and leaders. A collaborative work area totally connected, with a canteen. Le BBA de l’EM se distingue par le fait qu’il propose un stage chaque année, en plus de la possibilité de faire un double diplôme en école de commerce. 33 (0) 4 78 33 78 00 Fax 33 (0) 4 78 33 61 69. For more information regarding courses, projects and majors: bba.em-lyon.com Note: access to academic exchanges and double degrees will be denied if you enter the program in year 3. and an ability to analyze an organization’s interconnections with its environment, while allowing students to progressively specialize in a particular field. Students are immersed in an innovative pedagogical universe: action learning, MOOC’s, business games, Flipped classrooms…, Student ProfileHigh School certificate, IB or National Baccalaureate, More informationGlobal BBA (Bachelor in Business Administration). Le campus emlyonbusiness school de Paris en bref : Comme sur tous les campus d'emlyon business school, le campus est adapté aux nouveaux modes d’apprentissage en blended learning (apprentissage multimodal), constitué d’un mix de présentiel et d’enseignement à distance. shanghai . Découvrez sur notre site les dates de concours d'entrée pour une admission au sein de notre ecole de commerce. Global BBA: Elite Sport track the best of emlyon business school for elite sportsmen and women “I competed in my first French championship when I was 14. We have 4 campuses: Paris, St-Etienne (South of France), Casablanca, Shanghai and soon a 5th one in India. EMLYON LYON-ECULLY masters.em-lyon.com BUSINESS SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS SCHOOL Precise name of the institution emlyon business school … Par une pédagogie innovante, des stages et des projets de groupe, le Global BBA se veut être basé sur … The goal is to create an opportunity for opinion leaders in industry and education to meet, exchange and enable em lyon business school to rise to challenges and overcome obstacles. accueil@em-lyon.com. Term dates (including final exams) Fall Semester (1S): 30 August – 20 December 2019; Spring Semester (2S): 04 January – 22 April 2020; Summer Session (3B): 27 April – 29 June 2020 Le programme Global BBA y est dispensé intégralement en langue anglaise (English track only). A business center to host partner companies and institutions of emlyon business school, Global BBA (Bachelor in Business Administration), http://graduate.em-lyon.com/blog-msc-in-sports-industry-management/, The programme welcomes recent graduate in Engineering, Mathematics, IT or Management with a strong background in quantitative methods, 2 intakes per year : in February and September, 14 months and 34 days of presential on our new campus in Paris. Guillaume, 22 ans est étudiant à l'emlyon business school en 1re année du Global BBA, en full English track, sur le campus de Paris. bba.em-lyon.com make a start lyon . bba.em-lyon.com Le BBA d’emlyon business school : un parcours qui permet de toujours avoir le choix Le BBA est un programme dans lequel le sentiment de liberté est vécu au quotidien : choisir son campus, construire son parcours avec plus de pratique ou de théorique : un programme hybride permettant d’avoir le … https://www.em-lyon.com. More informationMSc in Luxury Management & Marketing. For more information regarding courses, projects and majors: bba.em-lyon.com Note: access to academic exchanges and double degrees will be denied if you enter the program in year 3. Retrouve ses points forts, ses accréditations Spaces for student and graduate associations to meet. Global BBA Candidatures ouvertes Rentrée 2020-2021 Journée Portes Ouvertes Samedi 13 février Sur RDV Executive MBA #1 en Afrique #3 France #37 mondial Inscriptions ouvertes Programmes Mastère Spécialisé 3 M.S. Un bachelor en quatre ans à l'EM Lyon ... (BBA) de suivre leur cursus jusqu’à un maximum de deux ans au sein de l’université partenaire. A2 A3 A4 A1 In Y1 and Y2, courses are taught in: Saint-Etienne or Paris Casablanca Shanghai This will help future Board members assuming their position with the required posture. Make your future ! casablanca . Maintenant, je ne regrette pas du tout mes années passées à Lyon. ... Paris - Casablanca Global BBA. The different study paths offered develop mobility and the acquisition of a solid international experience: internships abroad, exchange semesters and/or double-degree programs with our academic partners or at the international campuses of emlyon business school. A reception space to host internal and partner events. The students experience the specifics of the luxury industry in Paris, London or New York and Shanghai.

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