european union dg

Introduction 3 2. The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) is a Directorate-General of the European Commission, located in Brussels, and responsible for the European Union's research and innovation policy and coordination of research and innovation activities.It is headed by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and Director-General Jean-Eric Paquet. To do so, the DG contributes to the European Semester by analysing national R&I policies, by assessing their strengths and weaknesses, and by formulating country … Catalogue of datasets from the EU institutions and other bodies. Each covers a specific policy area or service such as trade or environment, and is headed by a Director-General who reports to a Commissioner. o Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) [internal]: DG TAXUD aims at managing the customs union. o Informatics (DIGIT) [internal]: DG DIGIT enables an efficient usage of the communication and information technologies to achieve its objectives. European Union Consolidated Financial Sanctions List Table of contents 1. This benefits consumers, businesses and the European economy as a whole. EU Open Data. content . Catalogue of datasets from the EU institutions and other bodies. Within the Commission, the Directorate-General (DG) for Competition is primarily responsible for these direct enforcement powers. It established the European Union, gave the Parliament more say in decision-making and added new policy areas of cooperation. 798 Followers•103 Following. X The Treaty of Amsterdam was signed on 2 October 1997 and came into force in 1999. Overview of EU research and innovation policy, publications, data and events, funding opportunities and major project results. European Commission Directorate-General for Translation DG Translation is the European Commission’s in-house translation service. eu Publications. The Undocumented Worker Transitions (UWT) project will document the factors that underlie migration flows, illegal and legal, focusing on undocumented migrants and under-documented migrants, whose... MIEUX+ (MIgration EU eXpertise+ Initiative) is a peer-to-peer experts’ facility that supports partner countries and regional organisations to better manage migration and mobility through the provision of rapid... We enhance the knowledge base for policymaking on the bioeconomy. content . o Interpretation (SCIC) [internal]: DG SCIC is the European Commission’s interpreting The European Commission is divided into departments known as Directorates General (DGs), roughly equivalent to ministries. Directorate-General awards grants and contracts to implement projects or activities that relate to the European Union's external aid programmes. DG MOVE was created on 17 February 2010 when energy was split from it to form the new DG Ener. DG International Partnerships formulates the European Union's development policy abroad. Around 32 000 people are employed by the European Commission. content . Protecting the health and safety of citizens is the EU's top priority. We, the EU Military Staff, are the source of military expertise within the European External Action Service (EEAS). Within the European Union, directorates-general are departments of the European Union government with specific zones of responsibility, the equivalent of ministries at a national level. o Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) [internal]: DG TAXUD aims at managing the customs union. See also: all knowledge from DG DEVCO curated by the KCMD. Twice a month, EU Now takes you beyond the international headlines to focus on a different facet of the European Union. DisplayLogo. This Directorate-General (DG EAC) is responsible for the EU Commission's policies on education, culture, languages, youth and sport. Most are headed by a European Commissioner, responsible for the general direction of the directorate-general, and a Director-General, responsible for the management of day-to-day … The primary information source for EU-funded projects since 1990: The Projects & Results Service is your one stop for information on EU-funded research projects and project results The Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships is responsible for formulating the EU’s international partnership and development policy, with the ultimate goal to reduce poverty, ensure sustainable development, and promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law across the world. The role of the DG for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) is to: DG INTPA accompanies partner countries on their path towards sustainable development, continuously adapting their support to the country’s evolving needs and transitioning from bilateral assistance towards more targeted support as the situation improves. The Directorates-General of the European Commission are divided into four groups: Policy DGs, External relations DGs, General Service DGs and Internal Service DGs. Language Selector search. The Migration & Demography Activity Inventory for DG International Cooperation and Development sets out DG DEVCO's activities of specific relevance to migration and demography. Information on your rights to live, work, travel and study in another EU … Living, working, travelling in the EU. The department for trade (DG TRADE) is responsible for the EU Commission's policies and agreements on trade with countries outside the EU. The European Union Agency for Railways (ERA), the European Commission, and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) have developed a COVID-19 railway protocol. MME - EU-Africa Partnership on Migration, Mobility and Employment ... European Union. The Commission's Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs is responsible for EU policy on migration and home affairs. EU Publications. European Commission - Policies, information and services. The Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) is a Directorate-General of the European Commission.The DG Taxation and Customs manages, defends and develops the customs union as a vital part of protecting the external borders of the European Union.It also co-ordinates taxation policy across the European Union. search. The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) is a Directorate-General of the European Commission responsible for transport within the European Union. Read more how the European Union and its member states are working around the clock to fight against the coronavirus (COVID-19). It is also responsible for relations with the member countries of the European Economic Area and European Free Trade Association insofar as Commission policies are concerned. The Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation is responsible for EU policy on research, science and innovation, with a view to help create growth and jobs and tackle our biggest societal challenges. The European Union Military Staff (EUMS) Download the CV of Vice Admiral Hervé Bléjean. We support the EU global commitment to end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition through a dedicated, reinforced science-policy interface and a fostered inter-policy dialogue. It is also responsible for relations with the member countries of the European Economic Area and European Free Trade Association insofar as Commission policies are concerned. DisplayLogo. Within the European Union, directorates-general are departments of the European Union government with specific zones of responsibility, the equivalent of ministries at a national level. They are joined by Members of Parliament and their staff. The following proposals are listed in the order received. X The Treaty on European Union (EU) — the Maastricht Treaty — was signed in Maastricht on 7 February 1992 and came into force in 1993. EPRS’ mission is to provide Members of the European Parliament, and where appropriate parliamentary committees, with independent, objective and authoritative analysis of, and research on, policy issues relating to the European Union, in order to assist them in their parliamentary work. EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid. Most are headed by a European Commissioner, responsible for the general direction of the directorate-general, and a Director-General, responsible for the management of day-to-day affairs Publications Office of the European Union. This report is part of the JRC Climate Change Induced Migration (CLICIM) project. Individuals or persons 3 3. Its mission is to help reduce and ultimately eradicate poverty in developing countries through the promotion of sustainable development, democracy , peace and security. 16,002 Photos. Official directory of the European Union - EU Whoiswho. Within the European Union, directorates-general are departments of the European Union government with specific zones of responsibility, the equivalent of ministries at a national level. Entities or groups 374 European level legislation along with stakeholders’ current mind-set and awareness of the issues cover ed, readers are advised to consult the study on due diligence requirements throu gh the supply chain (EC DG JUST Study 2020) commissioned by the European Commission´s Directorate -General for Justice and Consumers (EC DG JUST ). The Directorate-General for this portfolio is shared with the Commissioner for Transport as the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. More Advanced search Browse by subject Expert Search. European Union website - EUROPA is the official EU website that provides access to information published by all EU institutions, agencies and bodies. They translate for Europe in all the official languages of the European Union. Completed investigations are investigations where the Council of the European Union or the European Commission has already made a final determination and the investigation has either been terminated or a measure has been imposed. content . Studying local aspects of migration using a new dataset. Latest knowledge from this organisation. The European Commission, together with the national competition authorities, directly enforces EU competition rules, Articles 101-109of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU), to make EU markets work better, by ensuring that all companies compete equally and fairly on their merits. The Bioeconomy Directorate of DG Research and Innovation defines, implements, monitors and evaluates the EU Research and Innovation policy and initiatives to address Horizon 2020's societal challenge “Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the Bioeconomy”.The Directorate's long term objective is to increase by … This event will be chaired by Alexander Stevens, Policy Officer in DG FISMA's Digital Finance Unit. The European Commission is divided into departments known as Directorates General (DGs), roughly equivalent to ministries. Publications Office of the European Union. The European Commission (EC) is the executive body of the European Union (EU). [expandable expanded_label="1. ORGANISATION | 15 Jan 2021. The Commission's Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations is responsible for EU policy on enlargement and the EU's eastern and southern neighbours. Directorates-General of the European Commission, Post-Brexit United Kingdom relations with the European Union, General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commissioner for Financial Programming and the Budget, Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commissioner for the Environment, European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, European Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, European Commissioner for Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration, Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, Directorate-General for International Partnerships, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, European Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, European Commissioner for Regional Policy, List of European Commission committees by Directorates-General, Joint Research Centre (European Commission), "European Commission: Departments (Directorates-General) and services", Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council, Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, Table of European Commission Directorates-General and Services, Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Inclusion, Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations, International Cooperation and Development, Infrastructures and Logistics (Brussels & Luxembourg),, Directorates-General in the European Commission, Articles needing additional references from January 2018, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 16 February 2021, at 11:38. A podcast series produced by the Delegation of the European Union to the United States. The Official Journal of the European Union, EU case law and other resources for EU law. The Commission's Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs is responsible for EU policy on migration and home affairs. o Interpretation (SCIC) [internal]: DG SCIC is the European Commission’s interpreting Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA) European Union Consolidated Financial Sanctions List This list has been updated on 08/02/2021 17:07. The Official Journal of the European Union, EU case law and other resources for EU law. The Commission's Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations is responsible for EU policy on enlargement and the EU's eastern and southern neighbours. The European Commission (EC) is the executive body of the European Union (EU). The Directorate-General (DG) International Cooperation and Development officially becomes the DG International Partnerships. Open Data. The EU is an active supporter of the Kyoto Protocol , which it signed alongside its member-states. Official directory of the European Union - EU Whoiswho. The Secretary-General is responsible for the organisation of parliamentary business under the political leadership of the European Parliament President, the Bureau of the European Parliament and the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament. In the European Parliament, around 7 500 people work in the general secretariat and in the political groups. Through the use of data, authorities can be better placed to see, understand and respond to the challenges they... DG INTPA - DG for International Partnerships,, Knowledge Centre for Global Food and Nutrition Security, Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography, Migration & Demography Activity Inventory for DG International Cooperation and Development, all knowledge from DG DEVCO curated by the KCMD, Population dynamics, climate change and variability in Western Africa: the case of Sahel regions, The Demographic Landscape of EU Territories, DG INTPA Funded Projects: List of projects funded by DG INTPA related to migration, UWT: Undocumented Worker Transitions: Compiling evidence concerning the boundaries and processes of change in the status and work of undocumented workers in Europe, Big Data and Alternative Data Sources on Migration, design the EU’s international partnership and development policy. Around 32 000 people are employed by the European Commission. MainSearch. EU official directory. The Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships is responsible for formulating the EU’s international partnership and development policy, with the ultimate goal to reduce poverty, ensure sustainable development, and promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law across the world. Internally, the DGs are referred to by their abbreviations, provided below. To ensure that EuropeAid's work to improve people's lives is recognised, a set of visibility guidelines [22] have been produced. European Commission website This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication Newsroom - European Union. Ongoing investigations; Investigation search; Refund investigations; Information is available here on all completed and on-going investigations. In the Council of t… eu Publications. The Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships is responsible for formulating the EU’s international partnership and development policy, with the ultimate goal to reduce poverty, ensure sustainable development, and promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law across the world. EU Publications. Language Selector European level legislation along with stakeholders’ current mind-set and awareness of the issues cover ed, readers are advised to consult the study on due diligence requirements throu gh the supply chain (EC DG JUST Study 2020) commissioned by the European Commission´s Directorate -General for Justice and Consumers (EC DG JUST ). More… Joined 2011 EU Open Data. EU institutions ; This has been part of an ongoing process of mutually opening... For some years now, DG INTPA has provided access to its online learning content to the public. o Informatics (DIGIT) [internal]: DG DIGIT enables an efficient usage of the communication and information technologies to achieve its objectives. The Directorate-General for International Partnerships is responsible for formulating the EU’s international partnership and development policy, with the ultimate goal to reduce poverty, ensure sustainable development, and promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law across the world. Open Data. Only the affiliation of the principal investigator is indicated. To ensure the most coherent and effective work, DG INTPA cooperates and coordinates with: For some years now, INTPA has provided access to its online learning content to the public. Each covers a specific policy area or service such as trade or environment, and is headed by a Director-General who reports to a Commissioner. European Union - Official website of the European Union. MainSearch. The name change reflects the important role of international … More Advanced search Browse by subject Expert Search. The European Patent Office (part of the European Patent Organisation, separate from the EU) also has Directorates-General, which are administrative groupings of departments. EU official directory. Most are headed by a European Commissioner, responsible for the general direction of the directorate-general, and a Director-General, responsible for the management of day-to-day affairs. The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation defines and implements European Research and Innovation (R&I) policy with a view to achieving the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy and its key flagship initiative, the Innovation Union.

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