keeper of the lost cities sophie

Her friends, her family (biological, human, and adopted), her bravery, and her many abilities: Telepathy, Inflicting, Teleportation, Polyglot, and Enhancing. Then Sophie lowers her voice so. Then she pulls him close and down onto the deck, leaning against each other and wrapping her cape around him, warning him if he has to throw up, do NOT turn around. Keefe says the 6th and Fitz says at least the 10th. Bio: Sophie is the main character of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series—a girl caught between two worlds, struggling to fit in and still live up to the complicated role she was created for. Follow/Fav Keeper Of the Lost Cities: Unexpected Love - A Tophie Story. Keefe steps closer to reach for Sophie's hands. Keefe sends Sophie blue mental breezes while reminding her to breathe and tells her, "You've got this". When they are talking about how they were flying over the ocean on, Sophie holds Keefe's arms and says she has a bad feeling, but Keefe covers her hand with his and promises that he won't lose against. Sophie blushes when Keefe asks if she wants a demonstration of how he kissed Biana. When Keefe is asked about the love triangle (in the registry files) he writes that it is her choice of who she likes and that we should 'stay out of it' the thing is only Keefe gets asked about the love triangle-, not Fitz. Regent/ Leader of Team Valiant 'Yeah?' World: ★★★★★ Characters: ★★★★★ Pacing: ★★★★ Series potential: ★★★★★ Keeper of the Lost Cities is not your average middle grade read. ", "'Thanks,' He whispered back, so close she could feel his breath on her cheek. His mouth curves with one word until it changes. Keefe reaches for Sophie's shaking hand when she worries about her parents and promises her, “We’ll get them back safe. Keefe tickles Sophie's neck and when he tries to do it again, she grabs his wrist to stop him. 'Keefe, I will never hate you. Close friends/Possible love interests and Sophie?' 'It's a three-way tie. 3. '", "She shook her head. Pairing Name (Meaning Keefe). Sophie admits that she wouldn’t know what to do if she didn’t have him, and Keefe reassures her that she’d be fine. I'm always here. 'I know, I'm sorry. Keefe brushes a fallen eyelash off of Sophie's cheek, and Sophie admits that the past few weeks have been really rough. The eight-book Keeper of the Lost Cities series (and book "8.5" tie-in, Unlocked) have 2.5 million copies in print, was a New York Times bestseller and … However, it has also attracted hundreds of teen and young adult readers due to its riveting plot, intricate themes, and death-defying cliffhangers. Not the hero. They are standing really close again and Sophie realizes how dark and long Keefe's eyelashes are. ... ~Sophie from KOTLC (Keeper of the Lost Cities)~ StrawberrySkins. ... Take a personality quiz and find out which character you are most like in the "Keeper of the Lost Cities" series. Blonde Pale Gender 8… Her books have been published by Simon & Schuster. '... And I know you're going to tell me it won't be that simple -- and it probably won't be. Keefe laughs when he's talking about his plan to find out who her biological parents are and says that he loves that he has to explain it to her because it's "proof that no matter how feisty you get, you'll still always be our sweet little Foster." Keefe whispered to Sophie, telling her to breathe when he saw her holding her breath. ", "Then he was lost to his floaty dreams, most of which focused on the gold-flecked brown eyes he could never get out of his head.". " 1. And her heart seemed to trip over itself as he leaned close and. When Sophie is being chased by one of the mutant troll babies, Keefe tries to divert its attention towards him to save Sophie. Sophie and Keefe's minds were still connected, and it was like their minds were holding hands, which she said might have been the goofiest, sappiest thought she'd ever had, but it helped her feel happier. Keefe tells Sophie that he likes her eyes because they are much warmer than blue eyes. Sophie grabs Keefe's hand and put it on her collarbone so he would know what happened with her and Fitz. Keefe's voice is “soft, timid even,” when he asks her if she hates him. ", "From that point on, he only had one goal: to be whatever Sophie needed. Book Cover Keeper of the Lost Cities (Book) : Messenger, Shannon : At age twelve, Sophie learns that the remarkable abilities that have always caused her to stand out identify her as an elf, and after being brought to Eternalia to hone her skills, discovers that she has secrets buried in her memory for which some would kill. Sophie feels bad when she realizes that Keefe can get lost in others’ emotions, and hers are even worse. Tormentor of principals. Fitzroy Avery Vacker (Fitz) Pronunciation: Fits Vack-er Aliases: Fitz, Fitzy, Wonderboy, Fitzter Quick Relation to Sophie: Friend/Love Interest Gender: Male Eye Color: Teal Hair Color: Dark Brown Bio: Fitz is the golden boy from the famously important family who spent years secretly helping his dad search for Sophie in the human world. '", "'Whoa, are you crying?' . She loves her friends and her family and would do anything for them. Sophie hooks her arm through his and gently treats the wound on his hand when he cut it open to get his blood to call. She also wrote the young-adult Sky Fall series. 2016 More ways to shop: Find an Apple Store or other retailer near you. Keefe and Sophie share a heartfelt conversation about feelings, which helps them both fall asleep. Sophie and Keefe hold hands as they watch. It is the first book in the “Keeper of the Lost Cities” series. He has deep dimples when he smiles. Sophie and Keefe grow closer as they rely on each other to move on from their losses. Keefe ends his letter to Sophie with Love, Keefe. Keefe moves closer to Sophie and her throat goes dry as he touches her braid again. '", "'Keefe--' He took her hand, waiting for her to meet his eyes. You're my only hope. The Keeper of the Lost Cities books follow Sophie, a 12-year-old girl with secret telepathic ability who she’s actually not human but is from another world that … Sophie Foster is a child genius who’s been avoiding unwanted attention her whole life. He raised one eyebrow as he turned to study her. Sophie complimented Keefe’s change in hair, admitting that, “the beachy look. I'm gonna give you one! Some theories arise that Shannon introduced the Cassius Sencen Head Vs. Heart theory to foreshadow Sophie liking Fitz in her head and Keefe in her heart, but this has not been confirmed. So they're going to have to deal with the fact that you have a mind of your own- and a pretty darn smart one too. ." 'So . pretty rough if you hadn't stopped by.' A friend. “Keefe leaned closer to her. ", "'Is this the best time to reach out to you each night?' '", "'Thanks. 'I can handle him. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. B i a n a. Keefe tells Sophie that he gave her the necklace to remember him by. Keefe says that she must have someone else in mind if she's trying to impress someone (by dressing up) because she always impresses him. KingMeerkat. Soon enough, Keefe's prediction came true, and Sophie tells him "Not a word. By: BuddingWriter101. Her genes were edited to give her extremely powerful Telepathy as well as other talents such as Inflicting, Polyglot, and Enhancing. Keefe wraps his free arm around Sophie while his mom is talking about her kidnapping and her parent's kidnapping. "Definitely not what I'm worried about. Family read synopsis. Sophie has had "fluttery moments" with Keefe where she says her heart goes into "hummingbird mode." Sophie’s a Telepath, someone who can read minds. Keefe whistled and tells her he doesn't know where all of this "Foster confidence" is coming from but he's "here for it", and Sophie's cheeks warmed. Sophie holds Keefe's hand very tightly when they go to teleport. Keefe becomes very flustered after Sophie catches him off-guard and shirtless. Keefe’s breath was warm in her ear as he told her, ‘Anytime, Foster. Grady Ruewen: adoptive fatherEdaline Ruewen: adoptive motherAmy Foster: SisterConner Freeman: Human fatherKate Freeman: human motherNatalie Freeman: Human sisterOralie: Biological MotherMr. Sophie reassures Keefe that his family problems would never deter her away from being friends with him. ", Keefe has dubbed their team as "Team Foster-Keefe. Sophie Foster has blonde hair and unusual brown eyes with golden flecks. Sophie thanks Keefe for being there for her. Keefe assures her that it's “worth it” and walks closer to her. It is Foster, after all." . Fitz), Dex ♥ Keefe ♥ Linh ♥ Sophie ♥ Marella♥ Keefe and Sophie ♥ Dex and Keefe ♥ Tam, Sophie ♥ Dex ♥ Tam ♥ Marella ♥ Jensi ♥ Keefe ♥ Linh ♥ Linh and Sophie ♥ Linh and Marella, Pairings with Dexter Alvin Dizznee (a.k.a Dex), Sophie ♥ Biana ♥ Tam ♥ Keefe ♥ Linh ♥ Fitz ♥ Marella ♥ Stina ♥ Fitz and Keefe, Sophie ♥ Tam ♥ Biana ♥ Keefe ♥ Linh ♥ Dex ♥ Jensi ♥ Fitz ♥ Stina ♥ Linh and Biana, Sophie ♥ Tam ♥ Marella ♥ Dex ♥ Biana ♥ Fitz ♥ Linh♥ Sophie and Fitz ♥ Dex and Fitz, Sophie ♥ Keefe ♥ Marella ♥ Dex ♥ Biana ♥ Glimmer ♥ Fitz, Sophie ♥ Marella ♥ Dex ♥ Biana ♥ Fitz ♥ Sophie and Biana ♥ Keefe ♥ Biana and Marella, Alden and Alina ♥ Alden and Della ♥ Brant and Jolie ♥ Elwin and Physic ♥ Grady and Edaline ♥ Cassius and Gisela ♥ Oralie and Kenric ♥ Quinlin and Physic ♥ Tiergan and Prentice ♥ Della and Alina ♥ Della and Livvy ♥ Tiergan and Prentice ♥ Forkle and Tiergan ♥, Bo and Ro ♥ Cad and Ro ♥ Lur and Mitya ♥ Sandor and Grizel ♥ Silveny and Greyfell, Sokeefe, Keefoster, Team Foster-Keefe, Keephie, Seefe. What I can't handle is any more of the Sophie Shell who's been wandering around for the last few weeks, scaring the snot out of all of us. I need my Foster back - the real one, who bosses me around and is way too much fun to tease.”, “Fine, I'll wait until dawn." Keefe gave Sophie two paintings he made for her, one of Sophie. They both have some sort of genetic experimentation on them. TigerEyeRika. . When Keefe gets very upset about having to wait until the next morning to go to. ", Keefe gives his cape to Sophie insisting that they can't have her freeze and reminds Sophie that she didn't refuse, Sophie worries about the fact that she could have lost, Keefe almost face plants onto the deck of. Keefe hugs Sophie and admits that he was worried about her. She was made to save the entire world. when he gently pinned ". You look… perfect.' Maybe if she never let go, she could hold the broken pieces together. 0. Sophie says she is glad she met him too. 'I'm not the best?' Not the one taking charge of everything. Rivals ", "‘You keep trying to fix everything, Sophie. . 'Please don't hate me, okay?' Keefe says the thing he missed most about Sophie is her whole adorable-when-angry thing and she replies by saying she misses him too. KeepPeep4Life. 'You're supposed to cry when bad things happen, Foster, not good things.' 15 His arms tightened ever so slightly, making her heart switch to hummingbird pace. 'No one ever does that.'". Then his arms wrapped around her and she sank into the hug not realizing she was crying until she felt her tears soak into his tunic.”, “And Keefe was right where she'd left him - right where he'd said he'd be - his arms stretched out and ready to catch her, like he'd known she'd be dizzy and heaving by the time she finally fled.”, “'Tonight would've been . 3 *~Collab~With~SantineMarie~Who~is~A~KOTLC~fan!~* LemonBomBomb. Sophie admits that she cried more than any of her friends about him leaving, but that she is furious with him as well because he stole the cache. Sophie reassures Keefe that people care about him. But you can't fix me.’", "‘I know. Mallowmelt Ingredients . Keefe clearly likes Sophie, as stated in Keefe’s Short Story. Sophie gives Keefe a calming talk by way of transmitting after he accidentally numbs everyone. Then Keefe nudges Fitz over and places a hand on her shoulder to catch her if she falls, saying "I think this is a two-person job. A lot. When Sophie learns about what happened with, When Sophie comes out of the hive after seeing. Sophie really appreciates the gift and wears it immediately. Every time Keefe gets hurt she gets worried, doing her best to keep him safe and as far away from danger as possible and yet, Keefe always comes back for Sophie. . Instead of branding her, he uses a small crystal he placed on her necklace to send her safely back to, Sophie believes that she and Keefe can beat the. '", "The deep, crisp accent was instantly recognizable. And she said, "Thanks for listening, Keefe. Sophie Foster. Keefe explains that he noticed when Sophie was losing it in. Keefe takes both of her hands and Sophie's mind "can't ignore the rush of warmth that tingled through her when she met his eyes" where Keefe replies to her that Team Foster-Keefe is going to win. Sophie holds onto Keefe when she realizes that her human family was not found when she looked for them on her. Shannon Messenger is an American author. 'We can beat them together. Keefe grabs on to Sophie when Fitz says they should stay in groups. Brown Sophie and Keefe stared at each other, and there was an intensity in his stare that made Sophie's heart change rhythm. 'Sorry', she mumbled when the crying fit finally passed. It really helped.". that's just because it's easier, you know? . '", "Grady rubbed his temples. Her numerous abilities are shockingly powerful—especially for someone her age—and she has a tendency to see things differently than everyone else, in large part because of her human … Oh. Talent/Ability Other you won't hate me.' Sophie Foster. Keefe insists he doesn't think he's going to make it (because he is seasick) and says there's something Sophie needs to know. 2014 Neverseen. Sokeefe, or Team Foster-Keefe (as named by Keefe) is the romantic/friendship pairing of Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen. And yet, the teasing words made Sophie wish she'd turn and find a different boy. Keefe joked with Sophie after she was crying about not getting anything done to help her parents, which she said made her feel better. And while she may … During that time Keefe took off Sophie's glove and crush cuffs and twined his fingers with hers where he helped calm her down by channeling her emotions. 1. Keefe tells her she looks perfect, making her blush. -» Keeper of the Lost Cities / KOTLC 10 Questions - Developed by: Lace the Humorous - Updated on: 2020-06-04 - Developed on: 2018-08-31 - 105,229 taken - User Rating: 3.2 of 5 - 43 votes - … Tam Song. Team Foster-Keefe, remember? You'll never lose me. Sophitz Short Stories || Keeper of the Lost Cities Short Story **I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS SHANNON MESSENGER DOES! '", "'I know I crack a lot of jokes, Sophie, but . No matter how all this stuff [crushes] goes down,' there was a softness to his voice. Keeper of the Lost Cities fans welcome. Keeper of the Lost Cities is an award-winning book series by Shannon Messenger aimed for children ages 8-12. '", "She waited for Keefe to tease her, but he just scooted closer, lifting her head so it rested on his knee instead of the rocky ground. She blushed at the slightest catch in his voice – and then wished she hadn't when he flashed his trademark smirk., Sophie Foster. Sophie Foster has dirty blonde hair and unusual brown eyes with golden flecks. Keefe dubbed them 'Team Foster-Keefe' in Exile. Keefe tells her "Aw, the little shrieking sounds you're making are adorable." His eyes found hers as he whispered, 'For, "'I can't pretend I'm who you want me to be anymore. You know, there's—," but is interrupted. 'Don't make me beg, Sophie. ", "'No, Foster. Status 'Um, I don't know if you realize this, but you're the bravest person I know--by. Take this quiz to find out which of the five main KotLC characters you are. Sophie tells Keefe that she and he could work together to save his mom. Keefe whimpers and says "Someone hold me." When Keefe traces the crease between Sophie's eyebrows, she finds it incredibly hard to come up with an answer. They made a person. Keefe knows that Sophie is distressed and blocks Sophie from walking away as he wipes a tear flowing down her cheeks. The main character is Amy Foster, Sophie's sister, and the story focuses on her life after she comes back home from the Lost Cities. Sophie and Keefe trust each other and try to be there for the other. She hugged him as hard as she could--not caring who was watching.”, “Keefe gave her another reassuring shoulder pat- but when she flung the pillow aside and buried her face in her hands she heard him growl something like, 'screw it.' '", "'I'm Batman. Keefe gives Sophie his mother's necklace outside the Sanctuary. ‘Yep--it's a date. Sophie almost starts to smile when she and Keefe held hands after Sophie turned off her enhancing. Female 2015 Nightfall. Fix me, Foster. Story added by kotlcpineapple on December 3, 2020. However, in Flashback, Fitz and Sophie confront their feelings for each other, which makes them start a relationship, causing the relationship between Sophie and Keefe to be lowered slightly. 'I know,' he told her. The thought of going into Keefe’s room for the first time makes Sophie’s cheeks warm. She’s also fierce and brave and never backs down from what she believes is right. When Sophie asks Keefe to stay after everyone else leaves he says, "Don't worry Foster, I'm not going anywhere. Sophie asks if he's okay. Keefe watches as Sophie reaches for his hand when he said that he hasn't believed that his 'mommy loves him and misses him' lie for years and as they talk about his mom Sophie comforts him. she asked, surprised he was using her first name. Keefe assures her that he’ll “fix everything“, but Sophie corrects that with, "WE are going to fix this.". Nightfall Barnes and Noble Edition Short Story,, Sophie blushes and hides behind her hair when she realises she and. Keefe said that Sophie could never look bad. And one of the best guys I know.' Keefe wraps his arm around Sophie saying that Sophie gets worked when she's trying to protect him, but Sophie shoves him away and says he might get killed if he does whatever he wants. Maybe even a sweetness. 0. Keefe guides her over and sets her down on the bed and brings her a bottle of, Keefe reassures her while she's worried about her, "Without caring that it might be awkward or what anyone would think, Sophie, pulled Keefe into the tightest hug possible, and whispered, 'Thank you.' 15 likes. back to … ", "'You're Keefe Sencen. Race This quiz comes with the characters: Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, Biana and Dex. Sophie mentioned that kissing Fitz in front of Keefe would feel wrong, though she is not sure why. 'I'm glad you're back,' Sophie told him, keeping her voice low--just for the two of them. Sokeefe, Keefoster, Team Foster-Keefe, Keephie, Seefe When Sophie finds out the memory which made Keefe join the, Keefe says that nothing good ever comes from his mom, but Sophie says "One thing did. ― Sophie Foster[source], Sophie Elizabeth Foster (Example: Ice Blue, Teal, Periwinkle, Silver Blue, Bright Blue, True Blue, Navy Blue, Turquoise, etc.) It is the second book in the “Keeper of the Lost Cities” series. No one knows her secret—at least, that’s what she thinks ... Keeper of the Lost Cities. 1. 'Just promise, okay?' Keefe says that the only thing Sophie has to be is Sophie Foster. Book 2: ExileBook 4: NeverseenBook 6: NightfallBook 8: Legacy Look at him! . She also has pale skin and a diamond-shaped face with round cheeks. Ro calls Keefe's and Sophie's fight a "lovers' quarrel,” and Sophie tries to deny it, while Keefe whispers that Sophie isn't ready to face her feelings.

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