makossa cameroun 2018

There is no conscription in Cameroon, but the government makes periodic calls for volunteers. [47], These leaders are charged with implementing the will of the president, reporting on the general mood and conditions of the regions, administering the civil service, keeping the peace, and overseeing the heads of the smaller administrative units. However, Chadian Arabic in the Far North's Region's department of Logone-et-Chari acts as the lingua franca irrespective of ethnic groups. Cameroonian society is male-dominated, and violence and discrimination against women is common. [121][122], The southern rainforest has vast timber reserves, estimated to cover 37% of Cameroon's total land area. [8] It is because of this that Cameroon is considered one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world.[7]. Cameroonian Pidgin English is the lingua franca in the formerly British-administered territories. [83] Fertility rate remain high in Cameroon with an average of 4.8 births per woman and an average mothers' age of 19.7 years old at first birth. Artists such as Anne-Marie Nzié developed it into a popular dance music beginning in the 1940s, and performers such as Mama Ohandja and Les Têtes Brulées popularised it internationally during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. The northern peoples are Sudanese groups, who live in the central highlands and the northern lowlands, and the Fulani, who are spread throughout northern Cameroon. ", Insecurity Escalates In North Region As Gov’t, Military Concentrate In Anglophone Regions, Cameroon: New anti-corruption drive leaves many sceptical, "Cameroon goes offline after Anglophone revolt", Journalists Warned against Declaring Election Results, "Court Rules for Cameroon In Oil Dispute With Nigeria", "Agreement Transferring Authority over Bakassi Peninsula from Nigeria to Cameroon 'Triumph for the Rule of Law' Secretary-General Says in Message for Ceremony", "Which Countries Are For or Against China's Xinjiang Policies? Traditional sports include canoe racing and wrestling, and several hundred runners participate in the 40 km (25 mi) Mount Cameroon Race of Hope each year. Breakfast consists of leftovers of bread and fruit with coffee or tea. [13] From here, Bantu migrations into eastern, southern, and central Africa are believed to have originated about 2,000 years ago. Some 5,000 Gyele and Baka Pygmy peoples roam the southeastern and coastal rainforests or live in small, roadside settlements. [161] Large cities have significant populations of both groups. [82] Life expectancy at birth is estimated to be 56 years in 2012, with 48 healthy life years expected. The French-speaking regions of the southern and western regions are largely Catholic. [156][157] The government encourages bilingualism in English and French, and as such, official government documents, new legislation, ballots, among others, are written and provided in both languages. Derniers chiffres du Coronavirus issus du CSSE 17/02/2021 (mercredi 17 février 2021). [47] The president appoints government officials at all levels, from the prime minister (considered the official head of government), to the provincial governors and divisional officers. [166][167] Traditional dances are highly choreographed and separate men and women or forbid participation by one sex altogether. [77] Girls attend school less regularly than boys do because of cultural attitudes, domestic duties, early marriage, pregnancy, and sexual harassment. Cameroon is home to over 250 native languages spoken by nearly 25 million people.[7][8][9]. [173], The two most popular styles of music are makossa and bikutsi. In 1960, the French-administered part of Cameroon became independent as the Republic of Cameroun under President Ahmadou Ahidjo. [61], Freedom House ranks Cameroon as "not free" in terms of political rights and civil liberties. People were killed and hundreds jailed as a result of these protests. [105] Its characteristic vegetation is savanna scrub and grass. [191][192][193], Shortly after independence, filmmakers such as Jean-Paul Ngassa and Thérèse Sita-Bella explored similar themes. Originally, Cameroon was the exonym given by the Portuguese to the Wouri river. They are the most popular means of transportation followed by the rail service Camrail. [130] In the north, the Bénoué River is seasonally navigable from Garoua across into Nigeria. [5] Wax Dey is also the Producer and main actor of Cameroonian reality TV contest, Number One Girl, which airs on Equinox TV. - Informationen zum Thema camer24", "Cameroon-Info.Net:: Cameroun – Musique: Wax Dey, meilleure collaboration aux All African Music Awards 2014", "Wax Dey named Best Male Artist in Central Africa at The AFRIMA 2016! Also impacting women and girls' health, the contraceptive prevalence rate is estimated to be just 34.4% in 2014. The official languages of Cameroon are French and English, the official languages of former colonial French Cameroons and British Cameroons respectively. Ndifonka was born in Bamenda and is from the Northwest Region of Cameroon. [49][50], Cameroon's legal system is a mixture of civil law, common law, and customary law. [100] Exceedingly hot and humid with a short dry season, this belt is densely forested and includes some of the wettest places on earth, part of the Cross-Sanaga-Bioko coastal forests. Gwanfogbe, Mathew; Meligui, Ambrose; Moukam, Jean and Nguoghia, Jeanette (1983). Cameroon's coastline lies on the Bight of Biafra, part of the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean. Wrappers and loincloths are used extensively by both women and men but their use varies by region with influences from Fulani styles more present in the north and Igbo and Yoruba styles found more often in the south and west. [129] Douala is the country's principal seaport. Cameroon (/ ˌ k æ m ə ˈ r uː n / (), French: Cameroun), officially the Republic of Cameroon (French: République du Cameroun), is a country in Central Africa.It is bordered by Nigeria to the west and north; Chad to the northeast; the Central African Republic to the east; and Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and the Republic of the Congo to the south. [165], In the northern regions, the locally dominant Fulani ethnic group is mostly Muslim, but the overall population is fairly evenly divided among Muslims, Christians, and followers of indigenous religious beliefs (called Kirdi ("pagan") by the Fulani). Livestock are raised throughout the country. [70], Human rights organisations accuse police and military forces of mistreating and even torturing criminal suspects, ethnic minorities, homosexuals, and political activists. [119][120] Bushmeat, long a staple food for rural Cameroonians, is today a delicacy in the country's urban centres. [41] In 2017, Biya's government blocked the regions' access to the Internet for three months. [140] Smaller movements are occurring as workers seek employment in lumber mills and plantations in the south and east. France integrated the economy of Cameroon with that of France[22] and improved the infrastructure with capital investments and skilled workers, modifying the colonial system of forced labour. [88] The HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in 2016 was estimated at 3.8% for those aged 15–49,[89] although a strong stigma against the illness keeps the number of reported cases artificially low. [16] Over the following few centuries, European interests regularised trade with the coastal peoples, and Christian missionaries pushed inland.[17]. As part of the initiative to encourage bilingualism in Cameroon, six of the eight universities in the country are entirely bilingual. [74], The constitution divides Cameroon into 10 semi-autonomous regions, each under the administration of an elected Regional Council. [71] The Islamist jihadist group Ansar al-Islam has been reported as operating in North Cameroon. This region has a mild climate, particularly on the Western High Plateau, although rainfall is high. The coastal plain extends 15 to 150 kilometres (9 to 93 mi) inland from the Gulf of Guinea[99] and has an average elevation of 90 metres (295 ft). Являясь инновационной компанией в отрасли изоляции, Paroc призван выполнять постоянно растущие требования современного мира к сохранению окружающей среды. Amateur football clubs abound, organised along ethnic lines or under corporate sponsors. [1], Cameroon is divided into five major geographic zones distinguished by dominant physical, climatic, and vegetative features. [21], The British administered their territory from neighbouring Nigeria. [48] Laws are passed on a majority vote. [14], In June 2020, Nde Ndifonka released the EP, Rise Again: The Lockdown EP, inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. [69], In July 2019, UN ambassadors of 37 countries, including Cameroon, have signed a joint letter to the UNHRC defending China's treatment of Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region. In 1994 Cameroon petitioned the International Court of Justice to resolve the dispute. [151] Kidnappings of Cameroonian citizens by Central African bandits have increased since 2005. [89], Breast ironing, a traditional practice that is prevalent in Cameroon, may affect girls' health. [66], President Biya has engaged in a decades-long clash with the government of Nigeria over possession of the oil-rich Bakassi peninsula. [48] The judiciary is officially divided into tribunals, the court of appeal, and the supreme court. Performers such as Manu Dibango, Francis Bebey, Moni Bilé, and Petit-Pays popularised the style worldwide in the 1970s and 1980s. [33], In June 2006, talks concerning a territorial dispute over the Bakassi peninsula were resolved. The longest continuous inhabitants are groups such as the Baka (Pygmies). [200] The women's football team is known as the "Indomitable Lionesses. [28] This day is now the country's National Day, a public holiday. A typical dish is based on cocoyams, maize, cassava (manioc), millet, plantains, potatoes, rice, or yams, often pounded into dough-like fufu. The two countries attempted to establish a cease-fire in 1996, however, fighting continued for years. [97] Cameroon lies between latitudes 1° and 13°N, and longitudes 8° and 17°E. [23] The League of Nations mandates were converted into United Nations Trusteeships in 1946, and the question of independence became a pressing issue in French Cameroun. [90][91][92][93] Female genital mutilation (FGM), while not widespread, is practiced among some populations; according to a 2013 UNICEF report,[94] 1% of women in Cameroon have undergone FGM. At 475,442 square kilometres (183,569 sq mi), Cameroon is the world's 53rd-largest country. [161], Music and dance are an integral part of Cameroonian ceremonies, festivals, social gatherings, and storytelling. [56], President Biya's Cameroon People's Democratic Movement (CPDM) was the only legal political party until December 1990. Later Gustav Nachtigal made a treaty with one of the local kings to annex the region for the German emperor. [1] More than 75% of Cameroon's industrial strength is located in Douala and Bonabéri. [54] On 18 January 2006, Biya initiated an anti-corruption drive under the direction of the National Anti-Corruption Observatory. [124] Rapids and waterfalls obstruct the southern rivers, but these sites offer opportunities for hydroelectric development and supply most of Cameroon's energy. These are headed by presidentially appointed divisional officers (préfets). [83], People from the overpopulated western highlands and the underdeveloped north are moving to the coastal plantation zone and urban centres for employment. [83] In Cameroon, there is only one doctor for every 5,000 people, according to the World Health Organization. In 2017 there were language protests by the anglophone population against perceived oppression by the francophone. Traditional healers remain a popular alternative to evidence-based medicine.[95]. The National Assembly elects the members of a nine-member High Court of Justice that judges high-ranking members of government in the event they are charged with high treason or harming national security. [80] In December 2014, a List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor issued by the Bureau of International Labor Affairs mentioned Cameroon among the countries that resorted to child labor in the production of cocoa. Cameroon possesses substantial mineral resources, but these are not extensively mined (see Mining in Cameroon). "The Economy of Cameroon Federal Republic". Cameroon is a member of both the Commonwealth of Nations and La Francophonie. The talks involved President Paul Biya of Cameroon, then President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria and then UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, and resulted in Cameroonian control of the oil-rich peninsula. [21], With the defeat of Germany in World War I, Kamerun became a League of Nations mandate territory and was split into French Cameroons and British Cameroons in 1919. [71] In 2013, the primary school enrollment rate was 93.5%. Politicians in the English-speaking regions have advocated for greater decentralisation and even complete separation or independence (as in the Southern Cameroons National Council) from Cameroon. In 2017, tensions regarding the creation of an Ambazonian state in the English-speaking territories escalated into open warfare. Kamerun, formellt Republiken Kamerun, är en enhetsstat i centrala och västra Afrika.Den gränsar till Nigeria i väster, Tchad i nordöst, Centralafrikanska republiken i öster, samt Ekvatorialguinea, Gabon, och Kongo-Brazzaville i söder. [67] By 2004, Nigeria had failed to meet the deadline to handover the peninsula. [194][195] In the 1960s, Mongo Beti, Ferdinand Léopold Oyono and other writers explored post-colonialism, problems of African development, and the recovery of African identity. ... 6 Mar 2018 415 582; Share Gallery. [11][12] Today the country's name in Portuguese remains "Camarões". "Case Study 4: Cameroon", Rechniewski, Elizabeth. In the south, women grow the family's food, and men provide meat and grow cash crops. [77] The educational system is a mixture of British and French precedents[78] with most instruction in English or French. [148], In 2007, Cameroon hosted approximately 97,400 refugees and asylum seekers. An estimated 70% of the population farms, and agriculture comprised an estimated 16.7% of GDP in 2017. He was inspired to get into music when his father brought home a VHS cassette. [17], " - Diese Website steht zum Verkauf! Soils and climate on the coast encourage extensive commercial cultivation of bananas, cocoa, oil palms, rubber, and tea. Biya began his administration by moving toward a more democratic government, but a failed coup d'état nudged him toward the leadership style of his predecessor.

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