citation sur rome

The approach to the target and the target proper were heavily defended by flak batteries that threw up an intense barrage through which the formation flew undaunted to a precise bombing run, delivering a telling blow to the important factory and surrounding installations. 22, 1943), superseding Executive Order 9075 (see. From the border between Kuwait and Iraq, to the culmination of hostilities north of Baghdad, I MEF advanced nearly 800 kilometers under sustained and heavy combat. The stubborn enemy was completely routed from his perimeter defenses and the attack continued until a portion of Cheneux was seized, where reorganization was effected and preparations made for a counter-attack. As part of the campaign to liberate Luzon it was necessary that American forces retake from the Japanese the historic island fortress of Corregidor at the mouth of Manila Bay so as to open the port of Manila to Allied shipping. On 24 March 1945, thirty-one B-17 type aircraft loaded with maximum bomb tonnage took off, made rendezvous with other groups of the Wing, and after assuming the lead, set course for the objective. In 1977, the Presidential Unit Citation was presented to New Zealand's 161 Battery in 1977 for service during the Vietnam War in 1965–66. Looking for HBO Max? Her meritorious record of achievement is evidence of her own readiness for combat and the gallantry and superb seamanship of the officers and men who brought her through unscathed." The enemy immediately counter-attacked, but the assault groups were met with great vigor and virtually destroyed to a man. By 21 May, the crest and eastern slopes of Conical Hill had been captured, opening an envelopment route to turn Shuri. Navy News Service. 232d Engineer Combat Company (then attached to the 111th Engineer Combat Battalion). Troop D, 90th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized); amour: citations sur amour parmi une collection de 100.000 citations. 60 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON, DC, 17 OCTOBER 1969: (awarded to these units) who distinguished themselves by extraordinary heroism during the period 5 to 10 May 1968, while engaged in military operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. Undeterred by either the constant rain during April and May or by heavy enemy artillery shelling and repeated day and night aerial bombing of the air strips, the unit succeeded in carrying out highly effective aerial operations against the enemy from Kyushu to the southernmost islands of the Ryukyu Group, flying picket-ship and anti-submarine patrols, fighter sweeps, day and night fighter and bomber strikes, reconnaissance and search missions, escort missions, and minesweeper and photographic plane cover, in addition to paradrop missions to move essential supplies to our forces. Retrieved 2014-06-05. III, Bul. By the afternoon of August 7, the German attack stalled and the Division quickly counterattacked to relieve its trapped elements, through another five days of fierce fighting. The courage and determination of Task Force 117 personnel contributed significantly to the successful completion of each Force objective. Ils ont déjà ce handicap ! In the Imperial Starfleet, officers often promoted themselves by killing superiors that did not follow the rules of the Empire. L'amour qui fait peur n'est pas celui qui pourrait mourir, mais celui qui survivrait avec un handicap incurable. In Search of an Heir 38m. Recommended citation: FAO. For over eight hours CCB held Bastogne alone, against eight German Divisions. Liberation the island of Corregidor in Manila Bay, 16–26 February. Numidia, under the Roman Republic and Empire, a part of Africa north of the Sahara, the boundaries of which at times corresponded roughly to those of modern western Tunisia and eastern Algeria.Its earliest inhabitants were divided into tribes and clans. ", the Black Sheep Squadron—for their second combat tour, lasting 84 days at the end of 1943, Navy Citation... "For outstanding performance in combat during the seizure and occupation of the Japanese-held Atoll of Tarawa, Gilbert Islands, November 20 to 24, 1943.". Successful accomplishment of the operation demanded thorough preparation, sound judgment, and exceptional flying skill on the part of the crews of the C-47's. CNR; EMMA; EMBL Rome. For extraordinary heroism and outstanding performance of duty in action against an armed enemy in the Republic of Vietnam from 24 June 1969 to 28 February 1970. Citations sur : Rome “ Regardez autour de vous, vous qui m'êtes chers. 533 people follow this. See more of Electromecanica SUR on Facebook. La citation la plus belle sur « handicap » est : « Mon plus grand handicap, c'est pas d'être en fauteuil, c'est d'être sans elle. However CCB and the 101 Airborne Division maintained a defensive posture and held until the German offensive burned out several days later. Citations, proverbes, dictons, maximes, belles phrases pour : Rome. Despite intense, heavy, and accurate enemy anti-aircraft fire encountered over the target, the gallant crews, displaying outstanding courage, professional skill, and determination, though many of their airplanes were damaged severely, maintained their tight formation and brought their ships through the enemy defenses for a highly successful bombing run, inflicting grave damage to vital enemy installations and supplies. Consistently outnumbered and outgunned, she pursued her aggressive course in spite of formidable screens and severe anti-submarine measures to strike at every opportunity and, by her concentrated torpedo fire, delivered against convoys and combatant ships, sank thousands of tons of enemy shipping including one large battleship and a destroyer of a major hostile task force, and seriously damaged another battleship. Slashing through to the Rhone-Rhine Canal, the garrison at Colmar was cut off and the fall of the city assured. Once the fires and flooding were controlled, salvage operations resumed and enabled the ship to get underway for Tulagi on 27 December 1942. A previous attempt by a friendly battalion to secure this vital objective had been unsuccessful because of the numerical superiority of the enemy force. Seriously depleted by heavy casualties, including two battalion commanders, the 3rd Combat Team was continually in action as the left assault regiment until the cessation of organized resistance and the securing of the island on August 10, after 21 days of furious combat. Despite the intensity and accuracy of the heavy guns, the gallant crews battled their way through the many defenses, reformed the temporarily demoralized and scattered aircraft of the wing, and were successful at holding the entire formation intact at this critical stage of the flight. TG 21.11 – United States Ships Bogue, Haverfield, Swenning, Willis, Hobson (until March 25), Janssen (until April 7), and VC-96, from February 26 to April 19, 1944. The heroic efforts, extraordinary bravery and professional competence displayed by the men of the 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry and attached units are in the highest tradition of the military service and reflect great credit upon themselves, their units and the Armed Forces of the United States.". By 7 April, the division had penetrated the main outer ring. Links. In the Army, those who join the unit after the "award period" may also wear it while assigned to the unit. Though reduced in number by enemy action and operational losses, Marine Observation Squadron THREE effectively pursued its mission throughout a hazardous campaign and, by the indomitable courage and excellent teamwork of its officers and men, contributed immeasurably to the destruction of the Japanese on Okinawa. A Coast Guard version of the award was awarded to all U.S. Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary personnel by President George W. Bush for rescue and relief operations in response to Hurricane Katrina from 29 August 2005 to 13 September 2005. These gallant soldiers would not retreat. Automotive Parts Store in Temperley. This while the Wing had an average of 799 officers and enlisted personnel (Chinese and American), with 31 fighter aircraft. 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment; [17] On 24 September 2015, President Barack Obama presented the Presidential Unit Citation to the officers of the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps for the 2014–2015 Ebola Crisis in West Africa and the United States. Nearing the specific target, the flak-riddled formation was for the third time subjected to a stiffened enemy resistance and a sixth ship was shot down, but not withstanding the severe damage sustained by the aircraft, the unnerving experiences just passed, the improvised character of the formation, the last minute change of bombing calculations, and the weariness induced by many hours spent at high altitude, the 463rd Bombardment Group relentlessly and unswervingly led the entire wing formation through for an exceptionally successful bombing run, with the complete bomb tonnage of its formation concentrated in the target area thus inflicting extensive damage to vital enemy installations and supplies so greatly needed by the enemy in its defense of the capital city. For extraordinary heroism and outstanding performance of duty in action against the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong forces in the Republic of Vietnam from 8 March 1965 to 15 September 1967. There weren't enough soldiers to spread evenly, so the legions were stationed at the locations thought most … Troop A, 11th Armored Cavalry for action on 26 March 1970, Troop A volunteered to rescue Company C, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division who was surrounded by an overwhelming enemy force near the Cambodian border, in The Dog's Face, in Tay Ninh Province, Republic of Vietnam. The Wing accounted for [an estimated] 2317 enemy troops killed or wounded, 1321 cavalry and pack animals destroyed, 865 enemy vehicles destroyed and damaged, 48 aircraft and damaged, and 110 river boats (two more 100 feet in length) destroyed. The Pax Romana did not mean Rome was at peace vis-a-vis the peoples at its borders. On 24 March 1945, this group was notified to prepare maximum aircraft to lead a wing formation on a mission to attack and destroy the Daimler-Benz Tank Works in Berlin, Germany. 469, U.S. Army, 23 March 1945 By the extraordinary heroism, airmanship, and grim determination of the combat crews, together with the highly technical skill and intense devotion to duty of the ground personnel, the 463d Bombardment Group has upheld the highest traditions of the military service, thereby reflecting great credit on themselves and the armed forces of the United States. The division assaulted heroically and with a fury that could not be stopped, using the same hand-to-hand, digging, blasting burning assaults required in earlier engagements. On 10 December 1944, Company A was assigned as the only infantry company of a task force which launched an attack on Echtz. Europe-wide, global impact, infinite curiosity. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. » (Quino). The 2 zones into which the paratroopers and their supplies were to be placed were of such small size that each plane had to come over the target individually and drop not more than 8 men on each pass. On the fourth day, although exhausted and reduced through casualties to about half its normal strength, the battalion fought doggedly forward against strong enemy small-arms and mortar fire until it contacted the isolated unit. The ferocity and duration of the campaign was made possible through the skills and determination of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coalition Partners comprising I MEF at all levels, all echelons, and in all occupational fields. By Executive Order 10694, dated Jan. 10, 1957 the Air Force redesignated the Distinguished Unit Citation as the Presidential Unit Citation. In 1966, the Presidential Unit Citation was awarded to the 514th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the Republic of Vietnam Air Force for extraordinary heroism and outstanding performance of duty in combat against an armed enemy of the Republic of Vietnam throughout the period 1 January 1964 to 28 February 1965. Pigeon was the first US Navy ship to receive the PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION and the only Navy ship to receive two of them during World War II. This "Cited by" count includes citations to the following … Its achievements have brought great honor to the armed forces of the United States. 74 of the 94, The capture of Scotch Hill & the defense of, Known as the Sparta Battalion. Operations and Intelligence personnel indefatigably applied their greatest efforts to supply the carefully selected crews with vital bomb and target data. In all, approximately 563 separate passes had to be made to put the 1,999 paratroopers and 1,292 bundles on Corregidor. Completely surrounded by tremendous numbers, these indomitable, resolute, and tenacious soldiers fought back with unsurpassed fortitude and courage. Throughout the entire action which was carried out with exceptional gallantry and determination, and in spite of overwhelming opposition, crew esprit and individual heroism could not be excelled. Relentlessly attacking over unforgiving terrain during extremely difficult weather conditions, the division advanced 750 kilometers while spearheading the Coalition's offensive. This force was ordered to seize and occupy the town which is situated on hilly terrain and was defended by a heavily reinforced battalion of armored SS Troops supported by a Mark VI tank, numerous machine guns, SP 20 mm guns, SP 77 mm guns, and 105 mm howitzers. 9075 (sec. The units listed above were deployed to stem the assault. BY COMMAND OF LIEUTENANT GENERAL VAN FLEET These bitterly contested actions routed the enemy from his well-entrenched positions, denied him access to his source of food, restricted his freedom of movement, and removed his influence from the heavily populated areas. The Group participated in all phases of the Battle of the Atlantic and defeated the enemy above, on, and below the surface of the sea. Before the fighting ended, the division defeated or destroyed four Republican Guard Divisions, one Iraqi Regular Army Division, three Special Republican Guard Brigades, and thousands of fanatical paramilitary forces; sustaining few casualties, the 3d Infantry Division achieved one of the most stunning victories in military history. For outstanding performance of duty in action in the Philippine Islands on 16 and 17 February 1945. A global map of Incredible Edible groups, and the places where people are interacting with the movement. Headquarters Reserve Command, 9th Armored Division; During this period, the Rung Sat Special Zone River Patrol Group operated throughout the 405-square-mile maze of rivers, canals, waterways and mangrove swamps of the Rung Sat Special Zone and on the upper Saigon River. This outstanding contributed immeasurably to the effective crippling of enemy production at a significant time. Mon plus grand handicap, c'est pas d'être en fauteuil, c'est d'être sans elle. Operating dangerously in defiance of extremely strong air and surface opposition, the U.S.S. Without thought of defeat or surrender, this heroic force demonstrated superb battlefield courage and discipline. Despite the determined defensive fire which took a large toll of the hostile fighters, the enemy pressed his attacks with such fury that the low flight was overpowered and four B-26 aircraft were forced down in flames. Detachment B-53, 5th Special Forces Group, Camp Long Thanh, Republic of Vietnam, 24 January 1964 to 31 December 1971 Project Omega, Detachment B-50, 5th Special Forces Group, Kontum, Republic of Vietnam, 1 June 1967 to 31 October 1967 An indigenous domestic worker's journey inspires this intimate yet universal portrait of family, memory and love. The official website for Rome on HBO, featuring full episodes online, interviews, schedule information and episode guides. The route of supply ran Southeast from the battalion between two hills. At the Conclusion of the battle, the 21st Tank Battalion was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for their extraordinary heroism from December 17, to December 27, 1944, During the period of 12 December 1944 to 29 December 1944 in the vicinity of Höfen, Germany, Company A, 612th Tank Destroyer Battalion distinguished itself by exhibiting outstanding courage and superior heroism in the presence of the enemy. [87], On December 7, 2004, the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-South, known as Task Force K-BAR, a special collection of U.S. and international special forces units, was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation. SANTEE and her attached air squadrons struck with sustained fury at hostile warships, aircraft, merchant shipping and shore installations in the face of frequent and prolonged enemy air attacks. By their determined display of initiative, professional skill and extraordinary courage, which was in the highest traditions of the military service, the men of the 1st Brigade, 9th Infantry Division and attached units reflected the utmost credit upon themselves, the 9th Infantry Division and the United States Army. Series. Charged with the mission to interdict the lines of communication out of Iraq and to conduct direct action missions against Ba`ath Party Leadership, the unit conducted extensive special operations raids against the High Value Targets (HVT) within the Ba`ath Party Senior Leadership. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018 - Meeting the sustainable development goals. Operations such as DOUBLE EAGLE, HARVEST MOON, STARLITE, HASTINGS, PRAIRIE, UNION, HICKORY, COCHISE, AND SWIFT, reflect the high degree of superior airmanship, valor, devotion to duty and professionalism exhibited by personnel of the Wing. Bruyeres, France; Biffontaine, France; and Massa, Italy. [General Orders No. Throughout this period, the First Marine Aircraft Wing, operating in I and II Corps tactical -zones of the Republic of Vietnam, North Vietnam, and adjacent waters, sought out and destroyed determined enemy forces and provided combat air support to ground forces of the Free World and the Republic of Vietnam. The Presidential Unit Citation (PUC), originally called the Distinguished Unit Citation, is awarded to units of the uniformed services of the United States, and those of allied countries, for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy on or after 7 December 1941 (the date of the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the start of American involvement in World War II).

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