croisement guppy platy

Hey guys I have a 20 gallon with platies and guppies and daninos in it. How to interpret mean and standard deviation in spss. The main task for the aquarist while all those good bugs are growing is to wait a few weeks. Check out the Monthly I have 2 small other live plants & Im not sure how many live plants I can put in there safely. the males) can be agressive fish and will from time to time attack each other and other fish, this fish is also best kept in shoals with more females than males. I did buy this stuff that is supposed to make the water safe immediately. - do regular 10-20% water changes once a week You can also buy simple test strips that test for a multitude of things including nitrites, nitrates, ammonia, alkaline, chlorine, etc. You can type "nitrogen cycle" in the search bar at the top. Help- Guppies and Platies together-Am I wrong?! One of the platies got ich. At first the guppies kept trying to attack the platies, but what they were actually doing was trying to eat their feces before it fell....weird huh? 6 of them are from one batch that survived but are currently to small to breed as i cant tell yet whether they are male of female. Do platy fry show their true colours right away? How to turn straight hair curly. Bonne soirée. See more ideas about aquarium, home aquarium, aquarium design. Les infos, chiffres, immobilier, hotels & le Mag Holly9937 AC Members. Bonne soirée. 20: 24/08/2018 à 11h37:47: Juwel 54 litres conseils poissons avec 4 Guppys: spyke. I like the guppies. what time do you leave... when are you coming back. I just put them in there today and they are the only ones in the tank. The guppies were so pretty aswell up to the platy's. Diverses données connexes - Poisson Compatible Avec Guppy Et Platy. I am asking to... Is my tank over stocked? :P Don't care about any other livebearer cross breeds that can, just want to know if … 21 mars 2019 - Découvrez le tableau "poisson eau douce" de Anik Joly sur Pinterest. They are all live bearers and like the same temps. Now it's important to continue the cycle without killing fish. NATURE - Les guppies font décidément beaucoup parler d'eux en ce moment. The two males chase each other around in a up and down helix and produce these amiable guppy tornadoes! Re: Mix Guppy et Black molly le Dim 17 Juin 2007 - 18:55 A l'animalerie les molly mesurent déjà 16-17 cm quand ils les vendent, mais pourquoi vous croyez pas, quand vous verrez vous ne dirrais plus que je suis moitié chouté. Hi Everyone. I liked them but I wasn't sure if they would get along with the guppies. Si la variété est l’épice de la vie, les canaris doivent être l’épice du monde des oiseaux. De 10 à 15 alevins pour les Endler, jusqu'à 70 pour les guppys. It is wise to keep these in shoals where the females out number the males by 2 or 3 females to 1 male. John, youve talked about hornwart before, & i think id like to add some to my 20 gal guppy tank (theyre all males) However, how much should i get? Bien que tous les canaris appartiennent au même genre (Serinus), il existe néanmoins de nombreuses variétés parmi lesquelles choisir.Tout d’abord, il y a les trois races principales : les canaris de couleur, les canaris de posture et les canaris de chant. You are using an out of date browser. Guppy Selangor: The Guppy Selangor plant is a continuously expanding business that began operations manufacturing plastic aquarium accessories. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! Platy … Possibly the aquarium is overcrowded, or maybe the male guppies need some female guppies to distract them from the female platys. Im just looking for the main differences between these fish for breeding purposes. and if so why? - Leave the fish in your small tank for now, when you do your 10-20% water changes in the small tank, put it into your large tank. - Platy wagtail : femelle orange wagtail / male rouge wagtail (Les géniteurs et donc la souche est différente pour les males et les femelles ) - Guppy male orangé (Multiples Géniteurs visibles chez moi ) En préparation Platy Perroquet et Hifin (mais lorsque tous les Wagtail auront été vendus, pour cause de manque de place. I will be back next Tuesday morning...and I'm sure you all can manage without my advice! Guppy male femelle combien. Guppy et Platy, non. is one of the internet's oldest and premier Tropical Fish and Aquarium forums! Yes and NO. 55 talking about this. As johnarthur points out, this is even easier in a small aquarium, because it is small! This is important for understanding how clean your tank will be. Plusieurs variétés sont à distinguer, Xiphophorus maculatus (platy) et Xiphophorus variatus (platy varié, platy-perroquet), lesquelles ont été hybridées entre elles mais … Base de génétique du platy. Trois poissons pour débuter avec un aquarium d’eau douce (Guppy, Xipho, Platy) Entrer dans le monde de l'aquariophilie est une grande aventure. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème poisson aquarium eau douce, aquarium, aquarium poisson. How to make biconvex lenses. Should every fish tank have a live plant in it? To maintain that balance, change 20 percent or so of the water every week, and don’t forget to use a good water conditioner. Platies are Xiphophorus maculatus. I know from experience it takes the bio filter a long time to build up. It's not overcrowded now my poor guppies died, now they are all female. Update: Thanks everyone! - don't overfeed, as this increases the waste and can also kill your fish Also pet stores often don't give the best advice as they tend to want sales. JavaScript is disabled. Yes and NO. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Il leur faut une eau propre et exempte de bactéries. limestone may also affect your hardness. Voici les ancien paramètre PH-5.3. Advanced search. Cette star de l'aquarium est un poisson très actif, qui recherche en permanence de la nourriture ou des algues à manger.De toutes les couleurs, pacifique, il trouve sa place dans beaucoup de bacs communautaire. Il nous présente sa passion pour ce poisson . I think I can check in a few times while I am Denver, though. I'm going to buy at least a 32 gallon hopefully I can find a cool 60 or 55 gallon set-up. Molly vs Guppy vs Platy's? I leave tomorrow at 6am...ugh! Swordtails are Xiphophorus helleri. Jun 27, 2005 #4 my 2 male guppys used to "fight" occasionally, and I was concerned, thought they might be able to hurt each other. Now they are all schooling together and they are fine. I myself am not up to breeding my mollies and guppies but if it happens, it happens. Also, you may not be seeing any breeding from the Guppies, because since you have more males then females, the females can be. They are all healthy- the big tank that I've had for years is a different story; the bio-filter in it is dark brown and rotates slowly- which I assume is a good thing. 2009, 10:01 Je pense pas qu'il y ai eu croisement, moi j'ai une femelle Guppy qui ressemble à la tienne, elle a donné des alevins en pleine santé (enfin pour ceux qui ont survécu aux veuves noires et tétras ). Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month. How to root galaxy s8 sm g950u. Que demander de plus à un poisson ? But I waited 3 days anyway. I added stress zyme, and something that's supposed to make the water safe to add fish. Eric Bricaire, est un éleveur amateur de guppys que j'ai rencontré lors du championnat d’Europe de guppys . Once you get a larger tank you can do the following to help the cycle in that one: Qui n'a pas déjà entendu parler du Platy ? The pet shop can sell you stuff that helps establish the nitrogen cycle, but it still takes time to get the cycle working. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Les guppies sont originaires d'Amérique du Sud. Thank you. Croissance alevin guppy Mousse de java guppy Guppy blanc Guppy stmg Guppy température eau Femelle guppy enceinte combien de temps Photo de guppy Poisson guppy bébé. Kan platy og guppy leve sammen? Guppies are best kept with fish their own size and in shoals, they are very playful fish and will play with/annoy other fish if they don't have enough of their own kind to shoal with. This is another fish that is best kept with fish of its own size or larger. - let the large tank run for about at least a week, without any fish Leur maintenance en aquarium ne pose aucun problème particulier, cependant, c'est un poisson qui paraît un peu plus solide que le guppy… Also the easiest way to keep your water alkaline is to add some limestone as decoration or use coral sand as a substrate. Guppies are history, new platies, and what to do with 5-gal tank. Can Guppies and Platy cross breed? There is a "rule of thumb" formula that I use to stock aquariums and it is good for fish of your size and type. When do I do the first water change? Welcome: Introduce Yourself & Learn More About TFF, Tank of the Month, Try turning the temperature up to 78 or so, and feed them good foods! As per IFGA standards a Gold guppy must have at least 25% of the body showing the color of real gold metal on the body. Then I read somewhere that guppies and platies shouldn't be kept together...why? Platy: très coloré, ce poisson est plus petit que le Molly et plus grand que le Guppy. Son nom est donné en hommage à un botaniste et explorateur britannique nommé Robert John Lechmere Guppy. Au niveau caractère tous ces poissons s’entendent à merveille. The Poecilia can crossbreed with each other and the Xiphophorus can crossbreed with each other, but Xiphophorus and Poecilia cannot crossbreed. However these two fish do live in similar water conditions and seem suited to comunity living because of this. The formula is 1" of fish per gallon and this is based on the fish when fully grown. Emne startet af: Wizard d. 27-01-2015 03:44 Jeg har købt et 70 liter akvarie og er begyndt at læse op på de forskellige fisk, har jeg ret i at der ikke vil være nogen problemer med at holde Platy og Guppy sammen? we will miss your advice. Re: Platy qui se cache et reste au fond du bac Message par Fwedo » 06 janv. Poisson Compatible Avec Guppy Et Platy Dessaivre Couvreur. Zebra danio, pregnant or ... by blackghost [January 10, 2021, 11:11:08 am] MrChips's American Cichli... by MrChips [December 13, 2020, 10:34:52 am] one for Ian (plankton) by … can anyone tell me how i can my platys or guppies to breed. Le platy est réputé pour être un poisson très sociable et est considérée comme un poisson parfait pour faire ces premiers pas dans l'aquariophilie. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème poisson, animaux, poisson d'eau douce. 31: 27/08/2018 à 11h14:17: Hybridation et croisement chez les corydoras: Degraduck. Please take a couple minutes to open and read these two, brief links:, The linked blogs will acquaint you with some important basics of aquarium keeping, and you are always welcome to ask more questions. we will all miss you. In fact, different kinds of bugs eat the toxic ammonia and nitrites that get put into the aquarium by the fish, uneaten food, dead plants and the occasional curious cat. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème poisson, animaux, poisson d'eau douce. I always add aquarium salt for my live bearers. Also I found out Platies are killing my Guppies, the guppy was fine one minute swimming about next it's tail is half bitten off, and they are found at bottom of tank, the guppies were male, I wasn't told what the platy's were I think they must be female because it looks like they were the ones which had the babies, with round bellies, none of the fish took notice of the fry. Comme les alevins sont capables de se débrouiller d'eux-mêmes, c'est une étape indispensable pour avoir le plus d'alevins en vie. Thank you. Endlers are Poecilia wingei. Hardness can be achieved by adding "aquarium salts". The blue platy is still very rounded and looks pregnant. You may be able to speed things up by adding one of the products that contain deactivated bacteria. Like life span, which is the best to breed. I DID have the water tested at the pet shop and they said it was fine. 34: 15/08/2018 à 11h34:36: Quels poissons pour un aquarium de 15L ? How long do you wait to add fish? Voici les ancien paramètre PH-5.3. isolation is the key. When your aquarium has enough good bugs, they will convert all the toxins into plant food. En revanche on pourra faire cohabiter Platy et Guppy, ou Molly et Xipho par exemple, sans risque d'hybridation. 2017 - Découvrez le tableau "Aquarium d'eau douce" de Sabrina G-M sur Pinterest. War of the guppy Vs Platy. Le Guppy ( Poecilia reticulata) et le Molly (Poecilia sphenops) appartiennent tout deux à la famille des Poecilidae et peuvent donc s’hybrider. J'ai eu des témoignage de personnes qui disaient que leurs platys mâles s'intéressaient à des guppys femelles et des guppys mâles qui s'intéressaient à des platys femelles ? Platies (esp. 1stly cloudy then clear water does tend to indicate cycling, but this may not mean that it has gone through the entire cycle. Recent Topics. put 1 male to 2 or 3 females and make sure they are different species. Both platies and guppies like alkaline and hard water. Est-ce possible qu'il y ai un croisement entre un guppy et un platy ? Le platy est un ovovivipare : la femelle, plus terne que le mâle, ne pond pas d'oeufs mais engendre des alevins déjà formés. At this point it is probably best to test for amonia and nitrites, if these are present then continue daily water changes until they are both ZERO. Le Platy un poisson vivipare répandu en aquariophilie Présentation du Xiphophorus maculatus. Guppies are Poecilia reticulata. Platy: très coloré, ce poisson est plus petit que le Molly et plus grand que le Guppy. That's all I want to know! I did not know it take weeks to cycle it. I added the two guppies to cycle it. What Temp. do i have leave it to chance or is there something i can do to get the process going. You can also add plants and operate the light and filter, but NO FISH YET. Un nouveau tuto Toopet : comment monter son aquarium tropical, parfait notamment pour les guppys. You are also going to have to watch you level of stock. While there I saw these Platys that range from all black to all white and everything in between. Hope this is not to long winded and of some help to you!! A method of testing the growth of different genetic groups of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., over 3 year cycles was demonstrated. We can shower it away or flush it away, but an aquarium fish has to live in a closed environment. Mais le mâle guppy a peut-être besoin de lunettes Il peut toujours essayer, ça n'aura aucune conséquence, et pendant ce temps il fichera la paix aux gupettes The purpose of a working nitrogen cycle is to break down the fishes waste. You've already started the cycle by having fish in the tank, that's good and there is nothing wrong with that. I'm wondering if this might be the problem with your female platy (on your other post) with the clamped fins. TH-3° NITRITE 0mlg. Is it possible to keep 3 platies and 2 guppies in a 5 gallon tank? Flickr: Mihnea Stanciu. Do I need to add more stress zyme (has the ammonia eating bacteria in it) ? Have fun on your trip to Denver. Man kann die drei Arten an der Form der aufgerichteten Rückenflosse der Männchen unterscheiden, also dann, … Hello, I have a 10 Gallon tank with 3 platies and 2 guppies. - although the cloudy water has gone, a normal cycle takes a few weeks. Hybridation: Croisement entre deux variétés, deux races d’une même espèce ou entre deux espèces différentes. Elles ressemblent à la Bleu Pearl mais leur nom scientifique est Neocaridina Heteropoda. Rappelez vous ce que je vous est dit dans d'autres articles (chez le guppy): le male posséde un chromosome X et un chromosome Y et la femelle deux chromosomes X. NITRATE 45mlg l'eau de mon robinet n'était pas adapté pour des guppy ou platy ou xypho et compagni! Attention à l'environnement des alevins.Les petits sont un peu plus délicats que les adultes. exactly. i currently have 7 platys. 2017 - Découvrez le tableau "Aquarium d'eau douce" de Sabrina G-M sur Pinterest. Guppy, Platy, Molly. Many pet shops give awful and misleading advice designed more to sell replacement fish and useless medications than to actually inform. Jan 20, 2005 2,695 1 36 40 Michigan. Another important word is itty bitty bugs, which some people call bacteria. . All I wanted to know is if guppies and platies get along? La question est lancée : que penser de la cohabitation des poissons guppy, platy, molly, xipho et autres ovovivipares (je pense à la gambusie)? Sep 4, 2020 - Explore robin shands's board "Aquarium d" on Pinterest. I picked 2 fancy guppies to cycle the tank and added the platies 5 days later. Ils ont les mêmes besoins au niveau des qualités de l’eau, un pH entre 7 et 8, une température moyenne thanks annastasia. Une partie de la nageoire anale du mâle a évolué en un organe reproducteur allongé, le gonopode. La cohabitation en aquarium des poissons ovovivipares comme les Guppy, les Platy, les Molly, ou encore les Xipho est un sujet souvent abordé, faisons le point. Restrictions de livraison en décembre Les livraisons ne seront exceptionnellement pas possibles le 24, 25, 30 et 31 décembre, ainsi que le 1er janvier. Little bugs are everywhere, and some of them are very good for your aquarium. The good little microscopic bugs will eat flake food or even small hunks of raw shrimp or fish. The wait gives you an opportunity to get a test kit to measure at least ammonia and nitrite, and do some research on the species of fish you want to keep. i also have 3 female and 4 male guppies and they have been together for about 3 months now but i have no babies. Guppies originate from northeast South America, but have been … 2 mai 2018 - Découvrez le tableau "poisson aquarium eau douce" de Kévin Leggeri sur Pinterest. Mollies are Poecilia sphenops. Le Xipho et le platy sont très proches, le platy et le guppy par contre non. Aside: I didn't know fancy guppies could be so cool! The Bronze guppy is a guppy that is a genetic gold with more than 25% ” gold color” on the body with scales outlined in black. Just in case you had a problem looking it up, part of a blog about the nitrogen cycle is reproduced below. How to find smtp server in outlook 365. 16 janv. 2 juil. Et qu'en est-il des Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) avec les « Guppy endler » (Poecilia wingei), et bien il s'agit de la même famille de poissons, ils peuvent donc s'hybrider, mais cette fois les alevins ne seront pas stériles. Because most living things produce toxic ammonia when they eat, grow, breathe and drink. And speaking of the new 10 gallon, which I plan on The water turned slightly cloudy on day 4, but cleared up over night. How often to feed platy fish. Un mâle mesure 3 à 4 cm, alors qu’une femelle peut atteindre jusqu’à 7 cm de longueur. War of the guppy Vs Platy 4 posts Discuss all topics related to freshwater and planted tanks. Why? You are very right to ask will they pick on the guppies as they get bigger and the answer is probably yes! Thanks all! The platies are fatter than the guppies but not as long. 1. Poisson platy enceinte Platy - Description, alimentation, reproduction, conseils . the other platy is a large male. Généralement pacifique, se reproduisant facilement tout en restant très joli et intéressant à observer, Poecilia reticulata est très certainement le poiss I have one male & one female guppy in a 20 gallon tank. Guppy or Platy fry; Search. See more ideas about shrimp, shrimp tank, freshwater aquarium. Reproduction du platy: très facile. by j_bball_rox » Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:59 am. Guppy classique et endler (Poecilia reticulata et Poecilita wingei). Les guppies sont originaires d’Amérique du Sud. Happy reading.. Female Betta with balloon mollies, guppies, and platies? When you get your big set up then it will MOST LIKELY work, but ensure that the tank is well planted. Why would some sites say they don't belong together? Mes guppy claquai un par un et les autre poisson aussi ,platy ,molly. Le Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) est une des espèces de guppy, nom vernaculaire regroupant plusieurs espèces de poissons d'eau douce tropicale de la famille des Poeciliidae.Originaire d'Amérique du Sud, ce guppy a été introduit dans de nombreux pays pour lutter contre les moustiques, avec une efficacité limitée et non sans risques écologiques selon une alerte scientifique lancée en 2016. Sexage alevin guppy. Le monde du silence est riche en sensations et observations nouvelles, et réussir à maintenir une population stable et en bonne santé est souvent le … Sorry to make this so confusing for you, there is a lot to know about keeping fish well. This is not table salt, but rather a mixture of mineral salts that are found in the fishes natural environment (use as directed on the pack). After all that difficult waiting, you can test the water for ammonia and nitrite. Plusieurs variétés sont à distinguer, Xiphophorus maculatus (platy) et Xiphophorus variatus (platy varié, platy-perroquet), lesquelles ont été hybridées entre elles mais aussi avec Xiphophorus helleri (porte-épée). So follow the above. Aug 13, 2020 - Explore Jessica Spaid's board "Shrimp", followed by 348 people on Pinterest. Betta halfmoon koi Acheter betta male plakat halfmoon yellow koi sur la . Long answer again, but I hope that this helps. By entering this site you declare We'll see. Ranges Do Guppies, Platies, and Panda Cories Need? Plenty of room and hornwort seem to promote aquatic peace. Most Bronze guppies on the show bench have either Red BiColor or Green BiColor tails. tank to put juvenile platies in. I've read the same thing over and over again with conflicting info. How to use foundation blending sponge. - don't add any more fish 2ndly Platies and Guppies together!! Les guppies ont de belles couleurs, des têtes mignonnes, et sont faciles à entretenir. The colonies of bacteria will grow just enough to handle the toxins, but they can handle only so much, so don’t overwhelm them with too many fish or too much food. The aquariums have lots of hornwort and the smallest is 20 gallons. Le guppy, le poisson qui peut se reproduire après sa mort. By the petshop I was told Platies were ok in hot or cold water, which was true, I had them in cold water first then when I got guppy's I had them all together in warm water, it was awkward because they had babies (fry) and I didn't know they would eat babies, every day they would eat one fry, I did save one of them and separated them, it was so tiny they all were, I didn't see them eat the babies, but there was 4 at first then I couldn't see the other 3, then 2, then when I knew I separated them, this one baby is so tiny still, they swim as soon as born. I'll miss you all though. Now I'm confused. Et bien la c'est le contraire les males platys possèdent "deux chromosomes sexuels analogues" on le note Z et la femelle "deux chromosomes sexuels non analogue". NITRATE 45mlg l'eau de mon robinet n'était pas adapté pour des guppy ou platy ou xypho et compagni! Guppy Endler Poecilia Wingei Vivipares Fiche Poisson. I have had 3 guppies that have died because of the Platties, they don't sound very nice eating their fry and biting Guppies tails,it's shock that kills the guppies. They live mostly in the gravel and filter elements, so if you have an old filter or gravel from an established aquarium, try to use some in your new aquarium. Plus de photographies ? 2015 - Explorez le tableau « poisson d'eau douce » de Brigitte Mathis, auquel 115 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. Son nom est donné en hommage à un botaniste et explorateur britannique nommé Robert John Lechmere Guppy. - Les 10 Meilleurs Poissons Pour Débuter Avec Un Petit Aquarium. How to grow guppy fry fast. Thanks for the advice but I won't be buying any for a long time, I got the baby in separate tank happy swimming alone.I have enough at this moment and it's stressful for the poor guppies and upsetting for me. That’s where the nitrogen cycle comes in. You must log in or register to reply here. All you need to do is feed them and give them a few weeks to grow BEFORE you add fish. It might also be a wise precaution to do daily water changes 20-30% until you have the testing done as this will keep down any potential amonia or nitrites while your tank is cycling. I figured since it went through a "cloudy" period and cleared up, that meant it was cycled. Son hybride le Guppy endler est un croisement entre Guppy et Poecilia winge.. Les femelles endler ont moins d'alevins que le guppy . Guppies are best kept with fish their own size and in shoals, they are very playful fish and will play with/annoy other fish if they don't have enough of their own kind to shoal with. I've gotten a 10 gal. I have had fish for over 20 years just got out of cichlids and have stared a tropical, I am just about to check my ammonia/ nitrates levels before I add more fish.....the best advice I can offer beginners is the key is to be in no hurry to add fish, wait until you water is safe before adding fish and only a few at a time . Parmi toutes les espèces de poissons d’eau douce que l’on peut avoir dans son aquarium, Poecilia reticulata est une des espèces les plus adaptées pour les débutants. Guppies and platys are usually good tankmates when the aquarium is large enough and has the correct water parameters. According to the Encyclopedia of Britannica, guppies are part of Poeciliidae family which consist of three species including : Poecilia reticulata : Also known as Lebistes reticulatus, Fancy Guppy, Rainbow Fish or Millionfish, this is the most widely distributed guppies around the world. If everything works like it should, you’ll have a well balanced aquarium. La question est lancée : que penser de la cohabitation des poissons guppy, platy, molly, xipho et autres ovovivipares (je pense à la gambusie)? 2 mai 2018 - Découvrez le tableau "poisson aquarium eau douce" de Kévin Leggeri sur Pinterest. Since platies grow to 2-3" each then 5 fish in 10 gallons is at (even over) capacity, this is without adding you guppies too. 2ndly Platies and Guppies together!! Is it possible for fry to be produced from it? Portail des communes de France : nos coups de coeur sur les routes de France. That kinda stuff. using as a nursery or hospital tank. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème aquarium, aquarium d'eau douce, eaux douces. Some types of Platies tend to be aggressive. 3. Thanks! Le HuffPost. Sa maintenance et … I guess from the concerns about water quality, that guppies and platies live in peace, that right? Ils vivent à l'état sauvage au Brésil, en Guyane et au Trinidad-Tobago. 16 janv. I'd say that your tanks are not the best sizes to try and mix these two species. Betta halfmoon koi Acheter betta male plakat halfmoon yellow koi sur la . Voir plus d'idées sur le thème poisson eau douce, eaux douces, poisson. They are easy and colour coded and tell you safe, stress, danger, etc. Comment faire se reproduire des guppies. TH-3° NITRITE 0mlg. They can be kept in the same tank BUT only if it is large enough and it is best to have lots of bushy floating plants for the guppies to hide amongst. you read and agreed to the, How many guppies and platies can you have in a 10 gallon tank. Betta male plakat halfmoon yellow koi. They are not 100% accurate, but you can at least tell if you need to do water changes more frequently, until things settle down. Contests including the Tank of the Month, You can (generally) mix platys, mollies and guppies together and have no problems. Ils vivent à l’état sauvage au Brésil, en Guyane et au Trinidad-Tobago. It is confusing because your trying to introduce ammonia for the bio-filter while trying to keep it down for the fish , That is only in the begining, after the cycle is running the amonia is just converted by the bacteria all the time. Are you sure the aquarium has a working nitrogen cycle? L’élevage du chardonneret jaune canari est plus difficile que la production de canaris.. Les chardonnerets européens ont besoin d’une grande cage ou d’une volière pour se reproduire. Le guppy et le molly appartiennent au genre Poecilia et ils ne s'hybrident pas avec les autres poissons ovovivipares les plus courants comme le platy, xipho qui appartiennent au genre Xiphophorus.C'est déjà ça : on peut, sans … Re: Croisement Guppy_Molly Message par dyfranco » 15 janv. It is because of the need for shoals and because of both species behaviour that it is NOT wise to keep them together in small aquariums. I know my mollies do, so the principles are probably the same, although guppy fry don't, but sordtails do and these are the closest relatives so it's probably a yes.

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