keeper of the lost cities keefe

Lord Hunkyhair[2]That Boy[3]King of Good-Hair Land [4]President of the Foster Fan Club, Members He takes his stuff, and stops at Shores of Solace to gather the rest, and heads to Havenfield. Keefe's Legacy is a major plot point in the series. He is very meticulous with his hair and is known to have several Elvin hair products. When Keefe ran away to join the Neverseen, Grady got more upset at him. His most famous prank was the Great Gulon Incident. The ability seems to be triggered whenever he's feeling overwhelmed. extras. The two have a very fun and dynamic relationship, both being very rebellious people who don't like to conform. In Nightfall, she's shown to be extremely manipulative. Job Despite his father's seriousness, Keefe is fun-loving, even giving the nickname Glitter Butt to Silveny despite her importance. "Well... when you put it that way!”" Because I seem to remember you having a bummer few weeks and then everything went back to Perfect Vacker-land. —Keefe Sencen, in Book 1: Keeper of the Lost Cities Unfortunately, due to King Enki's betrayal, Keefe and all the others are detained regardless. Sophie also noted his "rather impressive amount of muscle tone." Later, after Keefe knows about his mom being in the Neverseen, he says he is surprised his dad "turned out to be the good parent". In Neverseen Keefe takes on a darker, more angry edge in some areas of the book, especially when it has to do with his mother. Lord Cassius is shown to be a very controlling and verbally abusive father. Family The Shores of Solace (currently), Candleshade (previously) When Lady Gisela orders Tam to shoot the shadowflux at Keefe, Sophie still clings on to him. "How? In addition, his mother told Dimitar to assign Keefe a bodyguard (if he won). How do we ever trust you again?". brant, elf, alden. In this extra special installment of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, the story picks up right from Legacy’s particularly devastating cliffhanger. He’s Fitz’s best friend, but he also feels a strong connection to Sophie—and not just because he loves teasing her. Keefe Sencen (Keef Sen-sin) is a main character in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. When Alden's mind is broken, the grief is agonizing for Keefe. Keefe was created sometime around the twentieth draft of, Keefe is the second known elf to have had a. The book ends here. Also in Neverseen, when Keefe says "Hold hands and look into each other's eyes", he reveals that he is quite jealous of Fitz and knows Sophie has romantic feelings for Fitz through his special ability, Empathy. Official Art for Keefe Sencen He also challenged King Dimitar to a fight, although this was not strictly necessary. Biana is the sister of Keefe's best friend, Fitz. Tam repeatedly says that he's sorry, and Keefe seems to somewhat forgive him. Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger is a fun fantasy series with elves, special abilities, plenty of ships, and a bit of humour. Keeper of the lost cities-Who is better, Fitz or Keefe? In Nightfall, Biana says that it's a struggle knowing that the person you like doesn't like you back, most likely referring to Keefe. Fans Teachers/Librarians Booksellers. But family always comes first. Blond At the end of Everblaze, it is revealed that she is part of the Neverseen. He has many friends and he would do anything for them. Empath, Polyglot Unnamed Ability Sophie comes out wearing a red dress that compliments her eyes and catches both Keefe and Fitz staring at her. Keefe is an amazing artist. Theories. They are childhood friends, and they have hung out with each other for many years. Keefe does not correct her when she says this. In Nightfall, Fitz and Keefe have been interpreted to have a lot of tension between each other, fighting a silent war. Self-described great hair and very, very, very, very, very, very ugly. Keefe can feel Sophie's emotions without physical contact, but he needs physical contact for everyone else. Sophie stays with him to make sure he's okay, he sleeps for three days and remains in this state. Later Sophie, Tam, and Fitz find one of the hideouts and find Keefe and three others (Brant, Ruy, and Alvar), ready to capture them. Not the hero. Why does it keep spiralling and spiralling and spiralling?”, “I'm Batman, so I could be your hero any day.”, “Dude, you did not just insult the Hair.”, “I've kissed lots of things! Eye Color He is said to have broad shoulders. Keefe is the first person Sophie tells that she is unmatchable, even if circumstance forced it. In Unlocked, Keefe wakes up from his coma on the fourth day, feeling nauseous and achy. Sophie and Keefe met midway through Keeper of the Lost Cities and since that time the two have become good friends. Keeper of the Lost Cities Book Nine : Revived Keefe's Letter (Sophie) SophieGranger101 “Okay, Let’s go find Keefe!” Sophie said, her brown eyes, sparkling with a new kind of motivation. Distinctive Features Book Trailer. Blonde Lady Gisela was once referred to as the better parent, due to her more distant nature compared to his dad's abuse. Keefe leaps away from Havenfield with the intention to join the Neverseen, but Sophie follows him after seeing his suspicious crystal. In Flashback, their relationship as friends is still very rocky as they get further away from being the friends they once were. We decide who we are. Cassius Sencen • Gisela Minette Sencen • Keefe Sencen, Residence(s) Their friendship began in Level Two at Foxfire when Keefe was the weird guy who skipped a level, and Fitz was the guy who kept disappearing all the time. When Keefe is about to go to Ravagog alone, Sophie talks him out of it, this shows how he feels for Sophie, and how he will listen to her more than his other friends. In Legacy, Sophie and Keefe spend a lot of time together, even though she was "dating" Fitz. In Everblaze, Shannon Messenger hinted a couple of times that Keefe could possibly have a crush on Sophie, due to his constant teasing and subtle compliments. He also challenged King Dimitar to a fight, although this was not strictly necessary. Fitz seems suspicious about Sophie and Keefe's intentions, despite Keefe's best efforts to keep himself from interfering in Sophie and Fitz's relationship. Unfortunately, without more information, all Sophie learns is that she had been visited by elves while she was still living with her human family. Keefe also impressed his father by telling him that he was helping Sophie with Silveny the Alicorn. At home, his mother sometimes ignores him and his father often abuses him. High quality Keeper Of The Lost Cities gifts and merchandise. Keefe often tries to do a lot to help his friends, and, by nature, often puts others' safety before his own. Some interpret the name Keefe as meaning noble, gentle, handsome, and cherished, although there are many meanings for this name throughout different cultures. ― Keefe Sencen and Blur[source]. In Nightfall he protects Sophie by volunteering to be a Mercadir, fighting King Dimitar in place of Sophie. He accidentally mimics Fitz, and when he speaks back to Ro in Ogrish, it is revealed that he manifested as a Polyglot. Keefe Sencen (pronounced KEEF SEN-sin) is a member of the Black Swan and an ex-member of the Neverseen. While doing this, Keefe notices weird feelings about the triplets' hands, but disregards it until Dex mentions in an Imparter conversation that Lex and Bex manifested, but Rex did not. He may not have teal eyes, but he has a really cute--”, “Right. He enjoys teasing people, especially Sophie. Keefe is tall with messy, artfully and carefully disheveled blonde hair and startling ice blue eyes. “You can ignore it all you want, Foster, but sooner or later you're going to have to solve the triangle. Keefe is an only child, and his best friend is Fitz Vacker. Fitz is Keefe's best friend. His most famous prank was the Great Gulon Incident (Details are highly classified, and have not been revealed in any of the books so far). After waking up from his coma it was mentioned that not only was Keefe able to perfectly mimic Fitz's voice, but also having the ability to understand and respond in Ogrish, making it clear that he has manifested as a Polyglot. At the end of Neverseen, he joined the Neverseen, stealing the caches from Sophie after he overheard the password in a private conversation between her and Fitz when Fitz blurted the password out loud by accident. (Keefe noticed that Lex's hand was cold, and he manifested as a Froster, that Bex's hand was squishy, and she manifested as a Phaser, and that Rex's hand felt "empty", not unlike Kesler's).This causes Dex and Keefe to assume Rex will be Talentless. This new ability seems to allow him to control others emotional state with a single word. Keefe impressed his father in the book Exile by telling him that he was helping Sophie with Silveny the Alicorn. Despite his father's seriousness, Keefe is fun-loving and humorous, even giving the nickname Glitter Butt to Silveny despite her importance. In Legacy, it is revealed that Keefe's mom killed (or is presumed to have killed) a human man named Ethan Benedict Wright II and his daughter, leaving Keefe feeling disastrously guilty for their deaths. Sophie, though, does state that Lord Cassius was verbally abusing Keefe, along with Lady Gisela. Biana Vacker • Dex Dizznee • Fitz Vacker • Keefe Sencen • Linh Song • Ruy Ignis • Sophie Foster • Tam Song • Timkin Heks. 'Well, when you put it that way!'”. Stina Heks ♦ Jensi Babblos ♦ Maruca ♦ Dempsey ♦ Valin ♦ Lex ♦ Rex ♦ Bex ♦ Damel Kafuta ♦ Shayda Adel ♦ Trella ♦ Audric ♦ Huxley, Mentors Dex and Keefe seem to become very good friends during Neverseen, sharing a Lufterator when fleeing to the Black Swan. In this Test you will find out which Keeper of the Lost Cities character you are. So many, in fact, that when they are looking through his bedroom in Lodestar, Tam says, "Dude - this guy uses more hair products than I do!" He was also worried that the Neverseen might have hurt Linh, showing he somewhat cares for her. Pale Sophie has described him as very handsome and has remarked that many other girls probably find him attractive. They have also grown closer as friends as Fitz and Keefe's friendship becomes more strained. In Nightfall, Lady Gisela says that Keefe inherited it from her. During Nightfall, Keefe gives Sophie a painting of her with Grady and Edaline, and one of her, him, Fitz, Dex, Biana, Tam, Linh, and Wylie, and during Legacy, Keefe paints a picture of Fitz and Sophie together by the Panakes tree. In Nightfall though,after Keefe returns from his bed rest, Keefe talks with Sophie and makes her feel better. Keefe's real family doesn't treat him well. Foster (Freeman) Family Keefe light-leaps away to the Forbidden Cities. Making jokes and teasing is just his coping mechanism. Afterward, there was a lack of trust between them. Sophie replies, "I'm never going to hate you, Keefe." Male In Lodestar, she's shown to have once cut open Keefe's skin to take his blood and blackmailing Keefe into not telling anyone. It can be noted that the "mostly" rather than only was brought by Biana turning her head on the cheek kiss (which was a dare) and having him catch the corner of her mouth. Basic Information Stuffed Animals Important Information When they get there, Keefe declares himself to be a Mercadir. Also, Keefe is the Neverseen’s first elf with enhanced abilities. Click to Download. Residence He always calls Sandor 'Gigantor.' The main character in the series; a Polyglot, Inflictor, Telepath, Teleporter, and Enhancer. It's important to note that since manifesting this strange new ability, his empathy has grown far stronger, making it easier for him to be overwhelmed in everyday situations. Keefe is often at the Vacker house, Everglen, playing base quest, playing Bramble, or just hanging out. He enjoys teasing people, especially Sophie and has a crush on her. He also begins to think that his father is a part of the Neverseen, but to his dismay, finds out that it is actually his mother. Elf Empathy, photographic memory, mimicking voices But those close to him know that his smiles often hide the heavier things he’s struggling with, like his less-than-awesome family. In mid-Flashback, Sophie and Fitz admit their feelings for each other and become a couple. He says that he forgives him but that doesn't stop him from teasing Keefe throughout the remainder of Nightfall. Self-described great hair and very, very, very, very, very, very ugly. He is very meticulous with his hair and is known to have several Elvin hair products. Sophie, Keefe, and Lady Cadence deliver a scroll to King Dimitar from Lady Gisela (Keefe's mom) that requested that Keefe proves he is worthy and that he gets a bodyguard for extra protection. Lord Cassius wrote a book about Empaths called The Heart of the Matter. Additionally, Keefe is able to sense and possibly trigger unmanifested abilities. In Lodestar, they often communicate telepathically while Keefe is with the Neverseen. An example of this was his impulsivity in joining the Neverseen despite the risks and danger it could potentially bring to his friends. Additionally, both were extremely emotionally distant throughout Keefe's life. In Flashback, Fitz and Sophie confessed their feelings for each other. He has a very fragile and somewhat sad past, as his father was verbally abusive and his mother, a member of the Neverseen since before his birth, only used him as a pawn in her "game," although she has shown kindness to him multiple times in the books. He also shows signs of wanting to protect Keefe as well as Sophie. Books Keeper of the Lost Cities. Camilla1022 published on November 11, 2019 1 response 0 Councillors (current and former) Other He also pulls them on his abusive father, Lord Cassius. Dex, Kesler, and Elwin try to fix his ability with serums and devices, and having Lex, Bex, and Rex trigger it, but it all goes awry and leaves Keefe even more scared of his ability. Keefe describes his dad as not so much an author but "torturer of innocent readers.". Job He’s Fitz’s best friend, but he also feels a strong connection to Sophie—and not just because he loves teasing her. It's possible that Keefe's "rivalry" with Tam is actually just a way of covering up his platonic/romantic affection towards Tam, and vice-versa. His parents (particularly his father) don't appreciate his talents, and even tell him art is a waste of time. When Tam and Fitz get trapped behind a force field, Sophie decides she has no choice but to inflict on them. She is shown to have a romantic interest in Keefe, even though it is implied that Keefe didn't return any feelings for her. *sobs* Keefe: What? He also was "dreaming about a pair of gold-flecked brown eyes" and told Ro that he would be whatever Sophie needed "until she was ready for more". Keefe: Thanks. He uses the necklace he gave her with a temporary leaping crystal to send her back home to escape. I just made it better! You seriously need to get yourself a hobby. Aliases Keefe Sencen (KEEF SEN-sin) is a member of the Black Swan and an ex-member of the Neverseen. He usually hangs out with the Vackers and treats them like family, and vice versa. Just ask Biana.”, “You deprived me of the Snuggles–that cannot be forgiven!”, Keefe is Foxfire Academy’s ultimate troublemaker—though of course, he claims he had nothing to do with “The Great Gulon Incident.” What on earth is it?! In Legacy Tam tries to warn Sophie that Lady Gisela is trying to kill Keefe, but Keefe doesn't seem to listen. In the Barnes and Noble exclusive edition Ro refers to Sophie as Keefe's "little girlfriend" and teases him about his crush on Sophie. Cassius Sencen: FatherGisela Sencen: Mother After all the times you've lied or ignored us or betrayed us? In Nightfall, he learned that, when Sophie enhances him, he can tap into Sophie's emotional center and help control her emotions, sending a calming blue wind through her mind to comfort her (similar to what Silveny does to Sophie to help calm her emotions) and other winds for different emotions. Lost Cities Keeper Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. It is the second book in the “Keeper of the Lost Cities” series. Because our family doesn't decide who we are. The letter ends with Keefe saying that Sophie meant more to him than she would ever know, and with the words "Love, Keefe." He jokingly suggested to Elwin to rename the Healing Center "The Foster Center" because of how many times Sophie has been a patient there. Sophie mentions multiple times that she thinks his drawings are incredibly realistic, so much that they look like photographs. Sophie brings Keefe human cookies and Keefe describes it as "something no one has ever done for him before", and Sophie comes to him for advice about resetting her abilities. Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. She questions it… Residence A friend. Special Ability *showcases a newly made cover of Keeper of the Lost Cities, now Keefe of the Lost Cities* Grady is Sophie's father and has always been mistrusting and disapproving of Keefe. See more ideas about city outfits, lost city, outfits. Facing this discovery, Keefe decides to run away from the Lost Cities in order to protect everyone from the havoc and leverage this ability could bring the Neverseen. Skin Color He joined the Neverseen as an attempt to infiltrate their organization and tear it down from the inside as well as to sneak information to the Black Swan. Keefe can often be reckless. Ro has to call him Lord Hunkyhair after she lost a bet in Flashback, although she usually calls him Lord Funkyhair. This causes Grady to "study Keefe as if he'd never seen before in his life", hinting that Grady might be warming up to Keefe. Keefe always wants to join Sophie on her adventures and is there for her various times throughout the series. Throughout the books, it is shown that Edaline is very kind to Keefe and feels a little sorry that he had to experience such a rough and unloving childhood. Councillor Alina ♦ Councillor Bronte ♦ Councillor Clarette ♦ Councillor Darek ♦ Councillor Emery ♦ Councillor Liora ♦ Councillor Noland ♦ Councillor Oralie ♦ Councillor Ramira ♦ Councillor Terik ♦ Councillor Velia ♦ Councillor Zarina ♦ Councillor Kenric Elgar Fathdon ♦ Fintan Pyren ♦ Fallon Vacker, Teenagers Grady Ruewen stops Keefe as he is about to leave, but ultimately lets him go; however, he makes him take an Imparter in case of emergencies. Main Article and Affiliated Places Keefe and Ro have many similarities such as liking to cause trouble. Very good at pulling off elaborate pranks, Great Gulon Incident (what exactly happened is unknown), Sometimes pushes people away, decorates his room like a serial killer when upset (covers it in sticky notes). It is in this scene that he reveals to Sophie that he is a double agent and is actually on Sophie's side. The two are very close and have known each other throughout their school lives. He uses his ability to "Sleep" command Ro, and wakes her as he leaps away. Healing Center • Gold Tower • Silver Tower • Hall of Illumination • Tutoring Center • Secret Mentors’ Cafeteria, “Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.”. King Dimitar challenges Keefe to a sparring match where the first person to draw blood from the opponent three times wins. He can now feel emotions without having to make physical contact. The two both use the nickname "Wonderboy" for Fitz. Take this quiz to finally put an end to this debate. (Details are highly classified, and have not been revealed in any of the books so far). Keeper of the Lost Cities, KOTLC Book, Keefe Sensen Fan hoodie, Book gift for daughter, Gift for youth, Youth hoodie, Gift for book lover sweatshirtclub. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Candleshade • Shores of Solace. Until she was ready for more.”, “Our little girl [Sophie] is growing up and getting so snarky! Books Fantasy & Mythology Keeper Of The Lost Cities Kotlc Keefe Sencen ... Sophie Foster Fun Elves Abilities Ability Telepathy Enhancing Mesmerizing Dex Dizznee Fitz Vacker Sophitz Team Foster Keefe Fanfiction Report Please don't hate me." Keefe has often been interpreted to show his love for Sophie in many moments throughout the book series, though she doesn't appear to know it herself. He also gave her his cloak to keep her warm a couple of times. During Nightfall, Keefe gives Sophie a painting of her with Grady and Edaline, and one of her, him, Fitz, Dex, Biana, Tam, Linh, and Wylie, and during Legacy, Keefe paints a picture of Fitz and Sophie together by the Panakes tree upon Fitz's request to do so. In Neverseen, Keefe learns that his mother has had someone wash his memories so that he wouldn't remember her affiliations with the Neverseen. —Keefe Sencen, in Book 1: Keeper of the Lost Cities Keefe is tall with messy, artfully and carefully disheveled blonde hair and startling ice blue eyes. In Legacy, she forces Keefe to fulfill his Legacy, using a combination of the elements that cause him to be put in a coma. Calla ♦ Barth the Reaper ♦ Brier ♦ Lur ♦ Mitya ♦ Sior ♦ Gora ♦ Gerda ♦ Yuri ♦ Amisi, Dwarves (Category) Ro believes that Keefe should confess his crush on Sophie, and almost uses the dare she has on him to do that. He had later found out that it wasn't only his mother who was part of the Neverseen, it was also Alvar Vacker, whom Keefe looked up to and previously called his "hero." NO! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This impressed Keefe's father because Silveny is the key to the people's faith in the Council, and saving the Timeline to Extinction. Keefe stared deeply into my eyes, his gaze expressing his undying love towards me. Gender He loves to pull pranks and have a good laugh. It also is hinted that Edaline adores Sophie and Keefe's relationship often giving them "Goofy Smiles" when they are having their moments. He is able to fix the situation by yelling "Feel", but this causes a fear of talking that continues for most of the book. Sophie also states that he has very long and dark eyelashes. That's why I made sure I have the best hair.”. If Keefe wins, they get the starstone hairpin that they want. Keeper of the Lost Cities Fan Club. Tagged as: oh dex sophie dex biana keefe fitz poor dex kotlc keeper of the lost cities shannon messenger incorrect quotes incorrect kotlc mod custardbursts s: that 70s show 77 Oct 06 2016 It’s okay if you don’t like me, not everyone has good taste. After that, every night and later on in the book, every morning in his Neverseen hideout, he has a telepathic conversation with Sophie. Throughout the book, it is hinted to be over jealousy, most likely over their relationships with Sophie. Sophie and Keefe continue to help each other throughout the whole book. Fitz says that he and Keefe became friends because they were both eccentric and they did not fit in. KEEPER of the LOST CITIES. Every time he pranks someone, he uses something unique, including Gulons, reekrod, and muskog. Every time he pranks someone, he uses something unique, including Gulons, reekrod, and muskog. Keefe has a crush on Sophie Foster, admitting to Ro that he likes her in his POV extra story. Thatis what I am thinking it may be. Keefe is a good looking troublemaker. Keefe and Ro show many hints in the story like when Ro always says, “Go talk to your girl.”". Sir Astin ♦ Lady Galvin ♦ Lady Iskra ♦ Lady Belva ♦ Sir Conley ♦ Lady Alexine ♦ Sir Donwell ♦ Sir Rosings ♦ Sir Harding ♦ Lady Veda ♦ Lady Anwen ♦ Sir Beckett ♦ Sir Caton ♦ Lady Dara ♦ Lady Evera ♦ Sir Faxon ♦ Lady Nissa ♦ Lady Zillah ♦ Lady Sanja ♦ Coach Rohana ♦ Coach Bora ♦ Coach Wilda, Other Sophie is heartbroken when Keefe joins the Neverseen, and, trying to honor his last wish, tries as best as she can, not to hate him. In the fourth book, Keefe admits that he has kissed Biana before in a dare, describing it as "mostly on the cheek." In Nightfall, Keefe is no longer associated with the Neverseen. He has shown to be extremely loving towards her, displaying hints of jealousy when she confesses her crush on Fitz Vacker in Flashback after Fitz and Sophie started dating. This is probably my most ridiculous accomplishment of the week. Though it isn't an Elvin ability, it still is a useful and noteworthy skill. I've never been so proud.”, “Ode to Keefe Sencen, that brave and lovable nut. So many, in fact, that when they are looking through his bedroom in Lodestar, Tam says, "Dude - this guy uses more hair pr… In this extra special installment of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, the story picks up right from Legacy’s particularly devastating cliffhanger. Ambi Hemisphere • Left Hemisphere • Right Hemisphere, Staff Candleshade (formerly)Shores of Solace (currently) “Art is about honesty. Tam refuses to talk to Keefe until Keefe submits to a shadow reading, which he has yet to do. She then wakes Keefe up and Keefe begs to take Alvar with him back to Fintan so he can gain his trust and steal his cache (along with Kenric's). Sophie later notes that Biana has been a lot less flirty with Keefe and that it seems she has moved on. He also pulls them on his abusive father, Lord Cassius. But those close to him know that his smiles often hide the heavier things he’s struggling with, like his less-than-awesome family. Talent/Ability Keefe always seems to find ways to annoy Dame Alina (while she was principal of Foxfire) and even set a record for most detentions, while finding ways to prank many other people. Broken, hurt, remorseful, and overcome by guilt, he joins the Neverseen as a double agent in an attempt to stop them, as he feels responsible for all they have done. They ran to the main room and found Keefe standing under the skylight, holding up Mr. Snuggles like it was a baby lion about to be made king. The battle between Fitz or Keefe is never ending. Foxfire • Foxfire Entrance Exam, Campus “'Time to see who causes the most chaos.' Keefe goes to stay at Splendor Plains for the time being, and he reconciles with Sophie via a telepathic conversation. Despite this, he reassures Sophie that she and Fitz are perfect together and he is supportive of their relationship. Keefe x reader x bath water. She saved his life in Everblaze, tackling Lady Gisela, who tried to shoot him with a melder.

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